Help bringing in bucks at the right time.


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Hello. I have been going out and sitting in my blind for whitetail quite often in the evenings, and only does have been coming in. The sun has been setting about 7:25 PM and I have a half an hour to hunt after that. I have a lot of trail cam pics of bucks but they go to my bait at times when I am not able to hunt. If there is anybody with any tips or suggestions about bringing in bucks during a huntable time, I would love to hear from you. Thanks.

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A lot of these answers depend on the area you're hunting (high buck to doe ratio, food sources, etc). Try hittin a grunt call or using a decoy. Rattling antlers are more efffective pre-rut than any other time of the year. Wait a couple weeks and try that out. Early season buck hunting is tough sometimes. You might have to get off that field edge and get down in the woods. A lot of the times bucks stay in the woods around a food source until dark.

I guess this is the million dollar question here. Just keep waiting patiently! It's still real early in the season.

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Thanks alot guys for all your help. I definately want to try some of those things out, except i live in southern Saskatchewan where there are no woods. Yes, there is the odd area where there are some trees. You do not hear of much people shooting a whitetail buck with a bow around here, because I think most people have the same problem I have. Those are some great ideas though, and hopefully I can try those out sometime.

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last year I had my trail camera set up on a dugout in the farmland like you, I had tons of bucks including one tall close to boonie coming in regualrly but aways at 10 or 5 am, always dark, I eft the camera there and started to glass froma distance, the bigger bucks down here seem not to water during daylight hours , I would find were he is bedding , [pm me if you want and I promice not to hunt there but I will have a good idea were to set up, its either near the lake or south of willows right] set up closer to bedding area, they go feed in the fields and have a drink after dark, last year I found were theyw ere bedding and had bucks within 50 yards of me every night including a few 150 class, just not the big guy, later on into mid oct they started to water during daylight hours, I believe they were checkig the does out and doing more traveling keeping there scrapes up, in a week or so keep a eye in you area and find a scrape or rub, get soem good quality early season buck pee and use it, on a timer works great[they are about 20 bucks]the areas I hunt the deer usually check it every 3-4 days, if you set there enough he will be back, just hard to hunt certain areas this tiem of year, pm me if you want anything, BTW wardens have a few extra mulie doe tags for south of town, good luck and give a call anytime


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Thanks for the help and advice Bret. I do think it would be a great idea to glass from a distance and find out where they bed, because I really have no idea where they bed, but I have a feeling it isn't in the same area where my blind is. So far I have not seen any scrapes around my spot, but I do have some scent out(Wildlife Research center Trails End), but I'm not really sure if it has helped much. But if we have trouble doing any of this stuff, or if it doesn't seem to work out, then we will give you a call. Thanks.

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