public land


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Both. Depends on the season. i try not to hunt with a shotgun on public land - at least not on the weekends.

But if I found a sweet spot, I would definitely give it a try.

I prefer private land and many people do. The solitude and appreciation of nature is more easily captured when you know you have a little room all to yourself and do not expect to see another person jumbling through your area.

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Mostly public land. By the way, during bow season, it is not the archers that provide the most interference. The public land that I hunt (next-door) has been taken over by mountain-bikers and hikers. They have laced the hill with so many trails that you are never out of earshot. Try hunting deer with a constant parade of hikers and bikers shouting and carrying on just a short distance away.

Fortunately, when gun season opens up, they have enough sense to stay

That's funny, here in NYS the hunters carry the frieght in terms of financing the DEC and the maintenance of state lands, but it is non-hunters (free-loaders) who are making it almost impossible to to hunt.


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That's funny, here in NYS the hunters carry the frieght in terms of financing the DEC and the maintenance of state lands, but it is non-hunters (free-loaders) who are making it almost impossible to to hunt.


I could not agree with you more Docthumb.gif

I hunt mostly private land in the last few years now but I still "Give It A Rest" and go hunt the state forest land nearby a few times a year.

There's absolutley no reason not to when your seeing this kind of sign on public land....


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Use to hunt a lot of birds on public land in Michigan. I got my first archery kill on paper mill owned land which is open to the public. I usually try and hunt private as much as possible. I also don't like being on state land during rifle season.

I agree completely with what Storiale said. I like the fact that on private land you can be at ease knowing that it is unlikely for someone to walk across your hunting ground.

There was a lot of open state land in the UP of Michigan where I went to school, and it was awesome scouting for good spots. I just hated how far you initially had to drive to get back there.

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Used to be all private land for me. Owners pass away and there kids decide that deer are more important than life long friendships.Now its mainly public land being a PA resident its mainly out of state public land. College takes up most of my time I am on campus 50 to 60 hours a week. My major of exercise science takes up the majority of my time. I do get out on weekends occasionally though.

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