I'm not one to swallow my pride but,..........


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Prayers on the way here too Randy. Chin up and hang in there bud.

I've been through it too so I have a good idea what the emotional trauma is like that you're experiencing now. Like others have said, one hour at a time and one day at a time. Outside of that try to get out and do some things to take your mind off of it whenever you can.

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Good news, Randy! Your future is known and planned by One who is doing a better job of it than any of us could. The apparent downside is that it is not known to you. I say apparent because not knowing our future is really a huge blessing to us. Look at all the valuable living we have done that we would have skipped if we had known how it would turn out? You are a product of your own history, and that has molded you into what you need to be for your own future. Just going to have to trust in the Lord and believe he has great things planned for you, which will be revealed when it is time. Keep plugging day by day and then you'll realize that you have gotten past it and you are fine!


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I can't thank you all enough for the thoughts, prayers, and pm's. Last night I was having a pretty rough time. I have them often actually. Last night was just a little worse than normal. I get thinking about all the possible outcomes with the child custody and sometimes I can't handle my own thoughts. This divorce is the worst thing I have ever gone though. What started out as a mutual agreement to go our separate ways has turned in to a nightmare. I just want to wake up! I can't imagine not seeing my kids all the time, it almost seems she's become heartless over the past few months. I just don't know what else I can do. I guess time will tell and I'll have to live with it. In the mean time it's hunting season and I have a few lungs to deflate...:)

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I can't thank you all enough for the thoughts, prayers, and pm's. Last night I was having a pretty rough time. I have them often actually. Last night was just a little worse than normal. I get thinking about all the possible outcomes with the child custody and sometimes I can't handle my own thoughts. This divorce is the worst thing I have ever gone though. What started out as a mutual agreement to go our separate ways has turned in to a nightmare. I just want to wake up! I can't imagine not seeing my kids all the time, it almost seems she's become heartless over the past few months. I just don't know what else I can do. I guess time will tell and I'll have to live with it. In the mean time it's hunting season and I have a few lungs to deflate...:)[/quot

Glad your spirits are a lil bit better tonight Randy. Just remember you got friends.... eerrr ahh....Family here that you can count on if you need us!!!!!

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