Buckee's got a BBD


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Hey Steve,

I feel your pain, bud. :( I still can't figure out how I lost that first doe. :no: I still haven't washed off the arrow and it is coated in good blood. She just disappeared! If an animal can disappear on the sage brush flats of Wyoming then I'm sure a bear on Vancouver Island has no trouble in disappearing in the thick cover. ;) Hey, you might find him tomorrow too! ;)

Dakota :)

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sorry steve,don't let yourself get down, crap happens, the main thing is you did what you can to get him and it was a ethical shot, I think what gets most hunters mad when animals are lost is those 60 yard shots and then loose a animal, when there was a good shot and the time was put in to do the best to find him that is all that can be done!!the thing that makes you a exellant hunter and great person is you feel bad, and thats enough feeling bad stop it and think of that b&c YOU WILL TAKE THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks for trying to cheer me up. I hate losing an animal.

I even cirled back to check out a realy good blood sign from yesterday where the bear had stopped, and left a puddle. There was nothing there...all washed out.

If it hadn't rained like it did yesterday, just after I made the shot, I'd have him. I just know it.

All I can hope for now is to find him later and at least get his skull, and a few body parts for a souvenir . I'll be looking for birds for the next little while.

It's so thick in spots there that even a dead bear can hide from the birds.

I did find out where a lot of bears are hanging out down by the river though. It is so thick in there, that it's downright unnerving .

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Hey don't sweat it Steve. I shot a doe in the EXACT same place 2 years ago with a 12 ga. slug. She was so close that I saw the slug come out behind the ribs. I lost her with snow on the ground. She dribbled a little bit of blood at the start and that was it. She was running with 10 other deer and her tracks eventually blended in with the others. To this day I cannot comprehend how that shot missed so many vitals. Like you I said to myself, that animal is just over the noll. So don't beat yourself up. Personally I see this as shot as self defense. What's up with all these animals attacking you? :clown:

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Personally I see this as shot as self defense. What's up with all these animals attacking you? :clown:

Yeah Steve...what is up with being attacked all the time?

How big is that beard of yours? Could you have been considered a color phase mate in the bear eyes?:clown:

Don't sweat the loss Steve, anyone who has bowhunted has been down the road your on. When the woods get a bit more open, I bet you'll find it.

Keep swinging kid:D

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Man that is too bad Steve. Happens to us all bud. Unfortunate how things go sometimes, rain washed out the blood on the fox I shot last year, and never found it.

Really sorry to hear that, Steve. I can relate to the thick in that part of the world. My biggest fear in Alaska was hitting one and not being able to find it.

The girls said the same thing Mike. Lots of vegetation can sure make it tough to find a downed animal.

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Yeah Steve...what is up with being attacked all the time?

:) He wasn't attacking me. He was just cruising and we just surprised one another. It was just too dang close for comfort, and I reacted first. It was too late to go for the bear spray. Maybe I should have went for between the eyes at that range, but I know how dang tough a bear skull is. I feel bad that I had to make that particular shot at all.

The girls said the same thing Mike. Lots of vegetation can sure make it tough to find a downed animal.

It is incredibly thick this time of the year especially. If all the leaves were off, it would help. But they ain't .

All I can dream about is bear and that burned-into-my-brain visual of the arrow in him. :(

I'll just have to watch for the ravens, crows and vultures now, I guess.:(

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...He was just cruising and we just surprised one another. It was just too dang close for comfort, and I reacted first. It was too late to go for the bear spray.

Before you beat yourself up too much buddy need I remind you the Bear could have made the first move instead. Had you not been using your better judgement already(having your Bow drawn) this could have been a memorial thread.

You did what you had to do....now go hunting again.

If I lived closer I'd slap you on the back of the head and say...

"Grab your hunting gear...last one to the blind in the hedgerow is a hoser":hammer1::clown:

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