Think I need help my friends


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I am sitting here not knowing what to do. My wife is in full blowen deperssion...she has been trying to deal with it for over 2 years...but as of last week she is over the top with it....I don't know what to do or what to say to her...I try to comfort her as much as I can....I try to do as much around the house as I can but it never seems to help....I went to mass this morning with the school kids.....I prayed for her....and I don't go to church alot but today I felt I had to,,,,but I came home to her rolled up in a ball crying because she says she is a failure in life....its so not true....this is taking me down as hard as it is her...I really don't know what to do......I think I am failing as a husband.....HELP ME PLEASE!!!

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With this going on 2 years now you really need to get your wife some professional help muggs. They can determine if it's something psychological or something they can treat with medication. Just let her know you love her and support her while she's going through this.

Thoughts and prayers going out for your family.

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Man, I feel for you. My wife has had problems with depression off and on for years. She's had bad patches and good, medication and counseling can sometimes work well. We went to a great counselor for a while and that helped as much as anything. Unfortunately there's no silver bullet for such problems. Church, family, and counseling are usually your best bet. I wish I could say something that would give you some hope. I've been told most of my life that I always seem to have a smile on my face, but I tell you when your carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, let alone picking up most of the load with the things at home (cooking, washing clothes, etc) it can bring you down as well. Even found myself on antidepressants for a short period of time because of the exact same thing you're going through. I got off of them pretty fast because I just felt emotionless. It was hard on the kids as well, so I'd get them out of the house often for some R&R. My wife has severe back pain and that adds a whole other dimension to things for us I suppose. My heart goes out to you buddy. If you ever need someone to talk to sometime I'll gladly give you my #.


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Wow, heavy stuff, buddy. Good advice above. Just try to remember that lots of times emotions have very little basis in rational reality. Just like she is not a bad person or a failure, neither are you. As guys we like to be the be-all end-all for our families, we are fixers, it's what we do and who we are. Sometimes we can't do it alone, and that is OK.

Praying for you, bro.


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You ain't in this alone my friend. I know what you're going through. Apparently agreeing to counciling is not always the answer.

Do what you feel is right under the circumstanses. Put YOU first and you can't go wrong.We all have our flaws. If your wife didn't see it from day one....I don't know what to tell you.

Wish you the best.

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It sounds to me like you are doing all that you can do for her, which is be there for her. Depression is one of those things that can be difficult. Some times you can't do much for someone with it. Glad to hear she went to see her Dr....maybe the 2 of you could go talk with a pastor or everything is out in the open...maybe then she will be able to see that you try your best and how hard it is on you....hang in there...we'll be praying!

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When you feel like there's nothing else you can do to help, it's time to bring in the professionals and keep at it until you find a solution.

One doctor might help where another may not, but rest assured there IS someone out there who can help both of you.

It may be that you'll go through a lot of doctors or counsellors or pastors before you find the root of the problem.

It's a test of fire, that hurts a lot while you're going through it, but, just remember to keep going forward so you come out the other side.

We will be praying for you both all through this journey.

Diana and Steve.

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