100 or 150 of 777


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Just got the Luepold ultimate slam and have sighted it in with 3 pellets of 777. I realize after the fact that I could may get better accuracy with loose powder. That being said. I would like to stick with the pellets. Any experience or opinions on 100 or 150 grains. Yes you guessed it. I want to be able to use the crosshairs on the scope.

Do you think that dropping down to 100 grains would increase accuracy substantially? I'm getting 3 inch group at 100 yards with 3 pellets of 777.


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Every single gun is gonna be different my friend, as with every single opinion! You just have to go out and shoot it with both and decide. I went from 150 down to 100 with my traditions prusuit extreme but went from a 295 gr bullet to a 245gr. Almost no difference at all in trajectory or accuracy but thats ME shooting MY gun. The only way you will know is to get out to the range bud. Anywho thats just my two cents worth. lol

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I posted a thread very similar to this asking the same question. I have a ProHunter with the Nikon Omega with BDC 250 reticle. I've seen people with all kinds of loads with a 100 or 150 gr of powder and 200 or 250 gr bullets. VermontHunter (I think his name is Luke) shoots a Triumph with 250 gr shockwave and 100 gr of powder with awesome results. You really have to just test it out though, because your gun may be different. My question was when we both find a more accurate load, that may possibly be much less powder, how do we know it's still got enough energy to put the animal down efficiently at say 200+ yards? I can group within an inch at 200 yards with my 223 centerfire rifle to hit a moose in the vitals, but that doesn't mean I should try it. I suppose I'd know if I knew the velocity at that distance, the weight of the bullet, and how much energy is needed to make a clean kill.

You can use your crosshairs no matter the load. Sight it in for 100 yards then pick the farthest you feel comfortable shooting (say 200 yards). Setup a large target and have the bullseye 3 feet high on the target face. Shoot at this using your 100 yard crosshair at 200 yards and then see where you group. Adjust your power until groups line up with your 100 yard crosshair and 200 yard dot. You should be good then, but check each dot in your reticle to make sure.

I hope I helped a little and didn't jack your thread.

Good luck with your shooting,


Edited by dbHunterNY
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Thank you. That was helpful. Its always good to get others ideas. Obviously, 'm willing to sacrifice some precision by wanting to stay with the pellets. I will just have to shoot 2 pellets and see if my groups will tighten. I do think that on the Luepold all I have to do is dial the scope to 2 pellets and it should be on. That will be interesting if that will happen. It will be a few weeks before I can shoot though. Thanks again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You may want to consider loose fffg powder and measure out your 100gr or 150gr. You will find a little more accuracy in doing that. That will hopefully make your setup a tackdriver.

I don't use a BDC scope on my TC Encore. I have a regular 2.5x10 40mm and use 120gr of Pioneer Powder fffg behind a 300gr Hornady SST. She Rocks.

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