has any one tried cemer deer


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They'll mess with it a little if they happen to walk by. It's no miracle powder by any means. That is unless your name is Hank Parker. He used it and got a million dollars. I think that might qualify it as a miracle powder after all. I'm not sure if it's legal to actually hunt over in most states.

They need to change the name of Acorn Rage to Gray Fox Rage because I got a picture of 7 gray foxes eating it at one time and no deer. Acorn Rage is just as pathetic as every other product I've ever tried from Wildgame Innovations except for their cameras. Their cameras are way more pitiful than anything else they've put out. I've had 4 that didn't work straight out of the box. I finally swapped Gander Mountain for something else.

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I found that a bag of Beef fatener and a jar of Molasses works as well as c'mere deer. My son had no luck with the C'mere deer. the beef fatener is about 15 dollars for large feed sack. I would suggest putting it out a shopping bag at a time because they love (bears included). The other thing my friend has tried is Peanut Butter, he just spreads it in a knot hole and he swears that they are going to chew the tree up

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Anything with a name like that - I become skeptical. And I'll try anything. Nothing works like they claim it will so the more excited the people in the commercial - the more B.S. it has to be.

Having said that - I back it up by saying I had a couple friends that tried it last year and they spend a boat-load of money on the stuff. Not one single deer came over to it in 4 days of hard hunting.

I'm glad I didn't waste the money.

I have my own brew that works very well. Wanna know what it is?

2 bottles of Tinks 69 2 Bottles of Code Blue (Doe in Estrus) - half a gallon of water - two rags, one drag rope.

put the 4 bottles of urine in the water and get it nice and mixed. Soak the rag. Drag the rag all around your hunting spot (100 yards in each direction) - Keep the half gallon of urine water and keep soaking the rag in it. Put the rag in a tree and let the wind carry the scent.

You'll get a deer.

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