what kinds of bullets do you all use in your muzzleloaders


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Hornady XTP's

Hornady XTP's are probably one of the better bullets shot in muzzleloaders today. There are two versions, the HP/XTP and the XTP MAG. They are basically the same bullet except that the HP/XTP is designed to "work" at slightly lower velocities and is the better bulet to use in a muzzleloader. I use both 250 and 300-grain versions, depending on what I'm hunting. I shoot a T/C Omega which has a "tight" barrel so I use the HPH 3-Petal EZ sabots in it. Depending on your barrel, you can use the 3-Petal EZ, the HPH-12 or HPH-24. All are available from MMP sabots and one of the three should work just fine for you.

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Hornady XTP's

I just found the chart I was looking for. The HP/XTP's are designed to work at velocities from 800 to 1600 fps (the 250-grain version) and 800 to 1700 (the 300-grain version). The XTP/MAG's are designed to work at velocities of 1100 to 2100 (both 240 and 300-grain versions). A 100-grain powder load sends a bullet out at approximately 1672 f/s and a 150-grain powder load sends a bullet out at approximately 1879 f/s. These figures will vary depending on the powder you use. I use a 100-grain load in my Omega and use the both the 250 and 300-grain HP/XTP's, depending on what I'm hunting. I just think the HP/XTP's are a better choice for muzzleloaders. The XTP/MAG's are operating in the lower half of their designed range in a muzzleloader while the HP/XTP's are always in their design range. They also put five shots in one ragged hole. I love 'em!

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As I posted previously I do use a prb but only in a rifle with 1:48 or slower rate of twist as they do not work in the faster 1:28 twist unless you lower the powder charge to 50 grains or less this would not in my mind be considered a deer killer load.

My favorite load with the 300 grain Hornady XTP is 80 to 85 grains of real bp and a Harvester crush rib sabot. I have recovered two of these bullets and both had expanded from 45 cal to 64 cal in a perfect mushroom and neither bullet had lost more than 5 grains of weight. Those two that I recovered were from deer shot head on so the bullet traveled from the base of the neck to the hind quarters and were just under the skin after traveling about 3 feet through the deer. One deer was at 18 yds and the other was at 40 yds. Both deer ran about 50 yds and piled up. Yep I just love that bullet out of a 1:28 twist.

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Barnes 250-grain Expander MZ vs. a 250# boarWell guys and gals, I just got back from a three-day hunt near Paso Robles (north of Los Angeles). I was shooting my T/C Omega and using a 250-grain Barnes Expander MZ bullet in an HPH-24 sabot pushed with 100 grains of Pyrodex RS. On the third day of the hunt, I found a 250# boar asleep against a tree at 59 yards. He was almost broadside to me and I put the slug right behind his left shoulder. Due to his sleeping position, the bullet exited (almost) slightly lower and to the rear on his right side. It was a perfect double-lung shot. He ran about 200 yards and piled up against another tree. When we skinned him out, we found the bullet just under the hide on his right side. The bullet cut through the skin on the right side so there was an exit hole for blood to pour out, but the bullet stayed inside the skin. It expanded perfectly! You couldn't have asked for better performance.

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