what happened to this little guy?


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If a mod needs to move this I am cool with it....anyway this little guy was in my brothers back yard yesterday....he snapped these pics and asked me what I thought happened to him....before I saw the pics I thought he was getting rid of his velvet but now I am not so sure????.....what do you guys think?




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Great close up pics!

Looks like an injury to the base of the right antler.

The right eye is swollen slightly possibly irritated from the blood running into it.

Deer could have fallen and damaged the pedicle or even hit by a vehicle it's hard to tell. Looks to be a small amount of swelling between the base of the right antler and the eye socket too. Sure looks like an impact to the right side of the head. Would be great to see some pics of this deer in a few weeks to see any changes. For a young deer he looks like he's got potential to have a gnarly rack.

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