Finally connected first deer Friday Evening!


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Well the pressure is off for me dropped the hammer on my first deer last night with a bow. At 6:15pm had a spike with 11inch antlers come in. He started at 30 yards and came to about 10 and i shot. This was family land and the past 2 seasons of no deer payed off. I feel very proud and the feeling is unbelieveable. The shot wasnt that good i was real nervous and shaky ( the fever) hit him under the spine so he dropped right there then made a perfect shot which ended him I ll post a pic later have to skin and cut him up. I was really suprised my Girlfriend helped me out gutting as i didnt have anyone there to help out.


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The first arrow had a magnus stinger buzzcut , i grabbed the first closest arrow for the second shot which was a slicktrick. The slicktrick went all the up the chest and made a 5 inch slash on the hide. I just got done grinding up about 25 lbs of meat. The big Quarters weighed about 15lbs each and got some real nice meat. gonna do a skull mount. Will post some pics in a few im whooped from all day of skinning , trimming, butchering!


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I still cant believe it had happened i was so calm afterwards my girlfriend thought i was lying so i took her out there. I cant wait to go back out im gonna do a european style mount and just engrave it as first deer/buck and date 9/18/09. I never realized how difficult it was to draw back under the pressure of a live animal. All the target practice in the world will help but it cant prepare you for the feeling that runs through the body. Im hooked for life and can call my self a hunter finally!

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