Hunting boots??


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Have had a pair of Rocky's for a while now, around at least 6-7 years I would guess. They are great, even in the cold cold winters here in Michigan I usually only need one good pair of socks. Never had a problem with them leaking either, or at least when walking through deep snow I have never had a problem, haven't really tested them to much with anything like a stream or any standing water.

Edited by Michiganbowhunter_SQ2
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i bought these Irish Setters by Redwing for hunting outwest and hiking, and they are by far the most comfortable boot i have ever worn. while they are a tad expensive, they are well worht it in my book. i also have a pair of Redwing workboots and thats the reason why i bought these. im on my feet all day at work, and those Redwings are all what they claim and not hype.

these are the Tamarack 4800s by Irish Setter.



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I've had bad luck with Rocky boots.

I've used the Cabela's cordura snake boot for 3 years now and they are still waterproof and in good shape. I use them for turkey hunting in the spring as well.

I also have some Lacross Alpha Burley boots for warmer weather hunting they work well as long at the temps don't drop below 40.

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