Is It Worth It, Opinions Needed.............


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O.k., I recently patterned my 835 using a Star Dot .676 choke and Winchester XX Supreme 3" #6 (2 oz.) loads. At 25 yards there were well over 100 BB's within the head and neck area and at 40 yards there were still 25 lethal BB's delivered. I plan to try out 50 yards this weekend and see what happens. This was done standing up freehand, just for the record. Now my question.

I was considering maybe trying number 5's. I know I won't get any more BB's in the kill zone, but it would add a little more oomph downrange. Should I leave well enough alone, or do you think I should try the #5's? I bow hunt for turkey 98% of the time, but I just want my gun to be plenty lethal for when it does see action. Any input is appreciated guys.

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Re: Is It Worth It, Opinions Needed.............

I would defiantly try the #5's!

I say this cause Turkeys are some dang tough birds! And with the #5's you will get a lil more knock down power!

With my set up! Im getting 49 bb's in the head and neck of a turkey at 40 yards, thats with #5's!

Also might wanna try patterning your gun while sitting! Make it just like turkey hunting! Like your sitting there waiting!

Good Luck! Let us know what you decide!

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Re: Is It Worth It, Opinions Needed.............


I plan to try out 50 yards this weekend and see what happens.

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Just remember that penetrating a paper target at 50+ yards and penetrating skin, flesh, and ultimately bone are two totally different things. The reason I say this is because a guy that hunts with me patterned his gun at 50+ yards and it patterned fairly well. He later shot at a turkey at 52 yards and did nothing but scare it off. I've read and heard of people killing turkeys way past 50 yards but I really don't recommend taking a shot that far. JMO.

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Re: Is It Worth It, Opinions Needed.............

Yeah, I understand exactly what ya mean. Penetration is the ultimate factor in deciding effective killing range. At 40 yards my shot blew a piece of the skid I was using to hold my targets in half, so I know it's plenty lethal out to 40. I have no intentions of shooting past 50 (if my tests say I can) since hunting is supposed to be an up close and personal game. Granted people have shot birds at darn near 80 yards with the Nitro/Rhino combo, but that's not for me.

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Re: Is It Worth It, Opinions Needed.............

Yeah, someone else recommended trying out some Hevi #6's. From what he tells me his test penetrate just as good as #4's and will cleanly harvest a bird out to 60 yards. Granted I won't shoot past 50, but it's a little comforting to know that a 6 can do that good of job.

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