new trail is good!


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Last week I went to the deerwoods I hunt {40 acers} and found a new deer trail {actually 3 trails in 25 yards of each other}so last week I put my cuddyback on the intersection of 2 trails.Today I put a ladderstand up in the middle of the 3 trails ,came home to check the sd card.This is what I got.The doe was there 9 min. before I checked the camera.{A.M. & P.M. wasn't set right, 12 hours difference that is why time and date are not right.} I had never seen this buck at my mineral station on the other side of the woods.All the pictures I got from this summer was all young,small rack bucks {3 of them} a 3 piont, a 4 point, and a 6 point.2 fawns and 1 doe.Man am I pumped,I hope the other guys{3 of them} don't kill him before I can.This year I am keeping my mouth shut on what I got pictures of.Last year I told my brother about a buck and the whole county knew about him in a matter of days.Them other guys who hunt this woods don't tell me what they got on there cameras, so fair is fair.







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