milk river outfitters

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I hunted with Eric in 2002 can't say enough good things about the way I was treated and how hard they worked for me to get an animal. I didn't hunt up on the Milk River but I hunted the Ranch they have leased down in the Snowy Mountains. Didn't fill my deer tag because I was looking for a Good Muley but I did fill my Elk tag (see pic below)


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Put in for a Non-Res tag and do it yourself. way cheaper and there is still tons of ranchers and farmers that will let you hunt their place. The only bonus to goin with an outfitter is a guaranteed tag. Maybe give it a year, put in to do it youself first and maybe you will get lucky. There is a pretty good chance you could draw a non-res tag. 3 of my buddies from Tennessee all drew deer tags and they are coming up first week in November. The Milk River isnt the only place in MT that has big bucks. Pretty much the whole state has real nice deer. Here are some of the deer Ive shot myself on the opposite side of the state.





My little bro's mulie



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I hunted MRO last season and going again in 2010. Here's some info:

-they're not the "designer lodge" atmosphere you see on TV with fireplaces and big leather chairs...these guys are real ranchers who get down and in the dirt like the rest of us. Their setup is as nice as most of us live in...and they feed you well.

-they will go the extra mile and put in full days to get your animal.

-Darren, the whitetail expert, knows where every deer is on the leases...he drops you off at your stand and continues to scope the other areas until he picks you up...if he thinks you should move, he'll move you.

-after you score, you can stay your remaining days and tag along with the guides or go home. Great pheasant and praire dog spots within a quarter mile of the lodge.

-they want you to tag your animal...not shoot the first one...but don't pass one up that you'd shoot the last day either.

-I was there for two weeks...everyone who came and went got their animal within the first three days...except one antelope hunter. The goats had already started dropping horns so that made it tough.

A great group of guys, just like us, your typical down to earth hunters who simply love to hunt.

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You have taken some nice bucks Cole. I am from Montana and love it, and there are some nice bucks all across the state. A lot of it is who you know, but there still some nice bucks on public land. What did your one whitetail score in the first picture by the way?

~ NBomb500

I came up with 154 or 156". cant remember for sure. I might have scored him wrong too but oh well.

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I hunted MRO last season and going again in 2010. Here's some info:

-they're not the "designer lodge" atmosphere you see on TV with fireplaces and big leather chairs...these guys are real ranchers who get down and in the dirt like the rest of us. Their setup is as nice as most of us live in...and they feed you well.

-they will go the extra mile and put in full days to get your animal.

-Darren, the whitetail expert, knows where every deer is on the leases...he drops you off at your stand and continues to scope the other areas until he picks you up...if he thinks you should move, he'll move you.

-after you score, you can stay your remaining days and tag along with the guides or go home. Great pheasant and praire dog spots within a quarter mile of the lodge.

-they want you to tag your animal...not shoot the first one...but don't pass one up that you'd shoot the last day either.

-I was there for two weeks...everyone who came and went got their animal within the first three days...except one antelope hunter. The goats had already started dropping horns so that made it tough.

A great group of guys, just like us, your typical down to earth hunters who simply love to hunt.

Was Darren's last name Beatle? If so, I know him really well. I had a chance to help them guide up there but didnt find out about it until it was too late because my mom forgot to tell me. I have shot alot of trap with him in the Choteau Teton County Trap league and he was my BB Gun coach a long time ago.

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Was Darren's last name Beatle? If so, I know him really well. I had a chance to help them guide up there but didnt find out about it until it was too late because my mom forgot to tell me. I have shot alot of trap with him in the Choteau Teton County Trap league and he was my BB Gun coach a long time ago.

It's Beadle. He was my guide. Funny guy!

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It's Beadle. He was my guide. Funny guy!

He is a funny guy. I would give just about anything to get that chance to guide with them again. Darren was goin to get my hat signed by Michael Waddell this september while he was hunting with him but he left town before i could get my hat to him.

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