A sign that God answers prayers!


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Every day I pray. In those prayers I ask God to protect my family. It seems sorta redundant after a while, but I do it anyway. How many times could something have gone bad and I never even knew it. Well today was one day that I realized God does indeed answer prayers!

Yesterday after church we (my family) went to eat lunch. On the way home on a busy highway my truck started shaking violently. I thought I had a flat! Nope that was not the issue. So I thought maybe a ball joint??? I continued home (in the rain) driving 20-30 mph with my hazards on. This morning I drove it to the shop and explained the problem. As my mechanic backed it into the garage something broke and both front tires pointed towards the license plate unresponsive to steering! He looked at it and asked me how I got it to his shop. I said I drove it. He said you better be thanking God because if that had happened on the highway you would have lost control and likely had a wreck. I'm not sure how to describe the mechanical failure, but it was severe!

Repairs are going to cost me a bunch, but thank God this happened at the shop and not on the highway!

Thanks for looking out for me and my family Big Guy!

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Praise God. You know, I have had that sort of thing happen so many times now, I can't count em. God is good indeed.

I got one story for ya.

We used live up on the top of a long steep hill many years ago. There was a corner store at the bottom. One day we needed something at the store, so off I went 60 mi/hr downhill, wheeled into the store, right up to the picture window as usual, got out and went in to get what I needed.

I came back out, started up the car, and stepped on the brake to put it in reverse .. Huh ..no brakes. The peddle went right to the floor. It was Not even spongy.

I got out, lifted the hood and checked the fluid. There wasn't a drop in it.

I looked on the ground, and inside the left front wheel there were only a couple of drops of fluid.

Now you tell me. How the heck was I able to stop my vehical, without even feeling a sgongy brake peddle, instead of wiping out the total front of the store.


God is good ;) and that was before I even came to know him as my Savior. But I'll tell ya, it was just one more of those little things that drew me closer to him ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thats an awesome story, I wont lie im not exactly the ideal christian myself. I accept the Lord as my Savior and will always follow Him through thick in thin. I cant tell you how many times He has looked out for me. A perfect example, I have been deployed in the last standing Combat Zone in Iraq. Imagine that, Havent even gotten a scratch, between my families prayers and a few of our own members it makes me realize how much I have to be thankful for, coming to accept him as my Savior was the best move of my life!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest bowhunter56

No enough of us, stop each day, and see how we have been blessed,from the time we wake up to the time we lay down....He does so much for us, but very few ever stop for a moment to give thanks...

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