lookin for food plot advice


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im leasing 165 acres in western new york and im in a pinch.

the land owner had gas wells put in this summer and let alone messing up the deer patterns i have food plot problems. we had thought they would have the areas flattend out by the mid june but haha pipe dream. they just finished last friday and now were scrambling to do something with the tilled up and flattend earth.... knocking our heads ADVICE PLEASE!!!! thanks

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We just closed on our new property last week, so I'm sort of in the same predicament. We tilled up the land and threw down some winter peas and winter wheat. We don't expect much growth before the first frost (about 3-4 weeks away hopefully), but this particular seed germinates pretty quick and will stay dormant throughout the winter instead of dying off. I guess it's better than plain ole dirt.

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I can't speak for what you should plant that far north. Down here, we usually plant marshall rye grass, buck forage oats, winter peas and some clover, and usually some wheat too. It dont take long with the right fertilizer and some rain and they'll be eating it up.

Edited by redkneck
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