Do I have the right to be upset?


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OK, so not upset as in throwing a fit or arguing, more like annoyed upset.

Here is the story:

I bought an iphone back in early July, with it I bought a case (I'll leave the name out for now). About two weeks later, a part of the case broke, a little plastic piece. It wasn't a huge deal, but having paid $30 for it, and having it break as easily as it did, I was a bit upset. I emailed the company about it, and honestly, all I asked them was if I would be able to buy just the part that I needed (the case was a two piece case and the bottom part is what broke). They asked for pictures, which I provided, and they said they would send me one free of charge. Not what I expected, but I wasn't going to argue with them. So I give the guy my address and I wait...and wait, and wait. August 12th is when he said he placed the order. I waited 3 weeks, and it never showed, so I sent him another email asking if it had shipped or anything. A few days later he got back to me and said he didn't know what happened, but that he placed another order for me, and that it might take a few days to ship since they were waiting for a new shipment to come in. This was 2 weeks ago, so it has been over a month since he first said he was sending me one.

What do you guys think? should I keep pursuing this? or just let it go since they were sending it to me for free?

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I'd be on it for as long as it takes to get satisfaction. Especially after the guy told you he took care of it. I just went through something similar and it took since February to get it resolved. It is on the delivery truck as we speak. Keep after it! A matter of principle ;)

Yep, Mike nailed it. He said they were going to fixt the situation, stay on them til they do. Might also be worth a call to the company to see what is going on.

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I would answer you but I have not read your post because the Banner ad on the right is covering your typing.

Your Sig is too long;)

Hmm, seems to be alright on my screen :confused:

EDIT: I got rid of the bottom part...any better?

Oh, and BTW, I ended up emailing the guy again, still waiting for a response. If I don't hear anything I'll give them a call.

Edited by Michiganbowhunter_SQ2
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Yeah thats better...

Definitely go after it until you get what you have already paid for;)

I'd start sending an Email every couple of days to let them know it has not arrived yet. Dont forget to "use the words of his promise to send you a new one" in the Email in quotes!

I recently got the Samsung Eternity and went to a local ATT store to get a clear plastic case for it. It worked great while I was in the store. By the time I got home it was making the phone freak out! It was pressing on the touch screen.

I took it back 3 days later with the receipt and returned it. Ended up getting the rubber skin protector instead.

Edited by GWSmith
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