fuming mad right now.......


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wow, Tough one. In my opinion, three and one half hours doesn't give you a pass on the wedding. Can you not be superman to everyone and move the cattle drive back to the wedding and back up to hunt. My hunting spot is 3 1/2 hours away and I do day trips to change batteries help neighbors with chores and so forth without a second thought. If the hunting is that important to you I think you can make it work. Us hunters are resourcesful folk who can accomplish the impossible.

The cattle drive starts at 6am. They have to drive the cows 22-24 miles. There is no way we would be done in time for me to drive back, clean up, and be ready to go at 5pm for the wedding. I have to do some heavy thinkin on this one. Im one of those people who feels really guilty about something like this if i let people down. So i dont know. Still got a month to figure it out.

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Ditch the wedding!! Who cares they'll get over it I ditch family things all the time when I already have plans to be doing something. Heck a cattle drive will be better anyway.

Oh and I never go to any of my cousins wedding no take that back 2 and that was because I was little no choice in the matter. They'll get over so just go cattle drivin!!!

If you don't your nuts!

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Ultimately you have to go with your conscience. Try not to let the guilt trips you expect to have coming sway your decision. With that being said, I would probably make my best effort to explain to the family that I had prior commitments, and for that reason would be unable to be at the ceremony. Should still get time to spend visit before hand.

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That is a tough spot. I don't know when they are arriving, but I would assume befor friday night. I'd stick around, meet, greet, see the family and then say, I gotta go, I have a prior commitment I need to attend to, I wish I would have known earlier about the wedding and could have made other arrangements. Best wishes.........

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If the weddings on the 24th, the rehearsal is probably on the 23rd and they will probably arrive in MT a day or 2 before that at the very least. Sounds like you will have some time to see them and give them a wedding gift before you take off for the cattle drive.

First in first out rule (FIFO) applies here. Your 1st commitment was to help with the cattle drive and then go hunting. That's what I'd do.

For the record, last year a good friend of mine had no choice but to schedule his wedding on Oct. 3rd. He was a lot closer to me than any of my cousins. I had been trying to pattern a P&Y 10 point prior to his wedding date being set. I got them a wedding gift and told them if I killed the 10 point prior to the wedding I'd be there. If not, they knew where I'd be.;) I didn't make the wedding.

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look, you are going to let someone down. your girlfriends family (and your promises) or your cousin. i like the "prior commitment" statement. buy her a gift, go move the cattle, an get on with life. you made a promise. keep it. and heck, may as well go hunting as long as you're there... lol.

i've read all the posts so far, and i'll stick by this. first thought i had. give your cousin a wedding gift, tell your mom you'll decide what to do all by yourself, and fulfill your commitments as they were promised. if your family can't understand doing the right thing, that's not your problem. besides, who gets married during hunting season. your cousins obviously have no class.... :pop: lol

now, as for your mother and her guilt trip. just tell her "mom, you raised me to do the right thing and i'm doing it". that will sink her bobber...

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I have made up my mind.....Im goin to help move cows like I told them I would......AND IM GOIN HUNTING!!!!!!!!!!! That is if my girlfriend can get the same time off for work. She just got a job in the shoe department of the same sporting goods store i work in so hopefully we can both get that weekend off of work.

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I have made up my mind.....Im goin to help move cows like I told them I would......AND IM GOIN HUNTING!!!!!!!!!!! That is if my girlfriend can get the same time off for work. She just got a job in the shoe department of the same sporting goods store i work in so hopefully we can both get that weekend off of work.

Good for you!

I hope you enjoy the cattle drive and the hunting!

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