Peep question


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For those that shoot peeps without the tubing, do you have problems with them getting twisted when you shoot? I had one put on last year, and wanted to go back to a tether, but the guy misunderstood what I was asking for. It shot great last year, but this year I'm having to try to train the string by twisting it good before I shoot. Too many times I'm at full draw and the string has twisted so that the peep rotated and the strands are covering my target.

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I have the same problem and it drives me nuts. I have to readjust my peep after every shot. Even though season opens on saturday I am taking it to the proshop and having a peep with the tubing put on. That sould eliminate the problem. Cant take the chance of it not being right when the big one walks by!!

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It shouldn't be doing this...I use a meta peep, has the tilt so at full draw it's lined up nicely, and it doesn't shift or twist...when I had my bow tuned up, the pro shop worked on this quite a bit.

When completed, they even will serve it in to keep it from moving.

I suppose after a bow string stretches from a lot of shooting you may need to get it adjusted again.

I have noticed that when not pulled back, my peep has about 25% turn, but when you draw it straightens right out.

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I just switched to a meta peep from a tubing peep not too long back, had some issues at first when I put the new string on my bow and had to change back over to the peep with the tubing, and just recently I switched back to the meta. Guess it took some shooting in, but now the string twists very little, when it does I just reposition my string loop for the right orientation of the meta peep.

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There should be very little if any rotation in a quality string after the "shoot in" period. When I install a new string I shoot it anywhere from 50 to 100 shots before I ever install the peep. Check specs again, install peep and check at rest and full draw rotation. I will put or take out a 1/2 twist in the string to align the peep. Shoot it and forget.

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i don't use a peep i shoot a Bushnell holosight but i was at a indoor shoot the other night and this little boy was grabbing his peep with his mouth at full draw i thought that was a good idea

lol.... I do the same thing. FYI, I've had this issue off and on for a lot of years, and it's never stopped me from making a shot, though it is aggravating.

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I never have a problem with the string twisting using this peep sight:


That's the one I use too Gary, but I had the same problem and used to have to give my string a slight twist after knocking my arrow every time, just to compensate.

Then I put on one of these so I no longer have to check to see if the string is twisted right.


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Guys if you shoot a d loop and your peep is twisting a little just move the loop opposite of the direction the peep needs to go. The loop will pull it around straight.

Yep, what we do with string loops here. Wife has been shooting a meta peep since I set her bow up for her. Have to readjust every once in a while, but really not very often.

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