Breathing, Scent Control


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This may sound weird but I am going to say it anyway. I am a mouth breather and I have to consciously choose to breathe through my noise. In years past I have noticed that when I accidentally switch to breathing out of my mouth, it almost immediately alerts deer.

During a hunt a couple years ago, I hadn’t seeing anything all morning and I got sick of breathing through my noise so I started breathing through my mouth. All I could hear from that point on was deer snorting and running a way. I wasn’t aware of their presence. I started breathing through my noise again, and within 10 minutes the deer came in.

I think breathing from the mouth puts a whole lot more human scent in the air.

I know there are gums and Dead Down Wind mouth spray. I just breathe through my noise and I will eat apples throughout the day. Has anyone else noticed this and do you have any other remedies for the issue?

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I have nothing to back up my theory, but I've long thought the majority of human scent came from respiration, and part of the reason I'm no fan of scent blocker gear. Breathing through the mouth can do for deer what it does for your wife when she tells you to hit some mouthwash after lunch. I started to get bad breath years ago despite good hygiene, and my dentist recommended a tongue scraper that I still use to this day to remove the sulfur plaques that collect on the tongue that is the cause of most bad breath. I have no doubt it would help with your concern as well.

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I've long thought the majority of human scent came from respiration, and part of the reason I'm no fan of scent blocker gear. Breathing through the mouth can do for deer what it does for your wife when she tells you to hit some mouthwash after lunch.

non believer i agree with redneck i breath through my mouth all the time doesn't spook any deer

I think redneck was saying that he believes most of the scent comes from your mouth (respiration) and hence why he does not worry about wearing scent gear.

I am almost positive that deer smell your breath before anything else, as you breath most likely carries through the breeze. JMO

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My solution has been simple. Ever since I started wearing activated charcoal lined suits I always wear their activated charcoal lined headnet/mask. I breath into it with my mouth and it seems to do a very good job of filtering my breath. I probably have 8 to 10 of those headnet/mask and try to wear a fresh one every day.

JMHO but if you're not going to filter your breath with their activated charcoal lined headnet/mask, there's not much sense in wearing the rest of the activated charcoal lined clothing.

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Any where on your body that can generate bacteria will cause scent. ie..mouth, armpits, crotch, feet. Which good hygene will help in the area of scent control.

I shave my head for bow season, (i shave in the summer too) to help with scent control.

Have you ever went into a smokey resturaunt or bar. Then taken a shower. As soon as the water hits your hair the smell of the smoke is released again.

Now I'm not telling you to shave your body! LOL! But keeping the bacteria undercontrol is almost as important as using the wind, when in comes to scent control. My 2 cents

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