Once in the stand or blind


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It's life as normal in the stand or blind for me;)

Any deer downwind is going to smell me, just like everybody else, so I pick the standsites that give me the best advantage considering the normal wind direction for that area.

You can get away with alot when the wind is in your face.


Redneck that just ain't right:D

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I try to stay as scent free as possible but I always take a bottle of water with me.

Same with me. I work so hard at staying as scent free as possible, that I just don't take any food with me. No point in using cover scents, scent eliminator, scent free soap and shampoo if I'm just going to eat deer sausage and a Snicker bar when I get up the tree.

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I bring water. I don't drink coffee under normal circumstances anyway. I also like to eat jerky followed by an apple. The jerky is protein that will hold me over for a while and is simple to eat in the field. An apple or two keeps my breathe from smelling like jerky. I don't know if the apple thing really makes a difference, but it seems to work. I'm not buying every form of anti-scent product that's out there, only the basics. Besides, if you're really serious about scent control, all other things being equal, you'd give off less odor if you were a vegetarian before and during hunting season.

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usually don't eat breakfast before a hunt but do drink plenty of coffee before. Doesn't take long before the caffiene kicks in and I need to munch on something after the hike in.

Coffee jitters are bad news with the bow for me so most times I'll pack in a couple ham sammies, an apple, and some hard candy to hold me through the day.

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If you can smell it they can smell it.

Don't know that the smell of coffee bothers deer too much. Have had coffee while sitting in a blind while watching deer, the wife killed her first deer with a fresh poured cup from the thermos steaming away. Don't know about soup, guess it would depend on the type/flavor of soup.

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I'll sometimes eat things that don't make a lot of noise, like jerky, doughnuts, or pretty much anything else that doesn't make a lound crunch or come with a noisy wrapper or bag. I want to make sure I can always hear things and obviously want to keep the noise I make to a minimum.

I drink coffee and hot chocolate in the morning too. I'll bring water, propel, or gatorade also. I've never experienced any problems. I'm sure deer can smell some of it. I hunt in a ground blind a lot and have had deer come close enough for me to pet while I was drinking coffee. I've taken a lot of deer inside 20 yards, including many anywhere from 5 to 15 yards. That's not to say I haven't been busted before, but I wouldn't say it was always because of the food or drink, could be a number of things.

I like to keep noise and smell to a minimum of course, but I'm not too worried about eating or drinking certain things. Best of luck out there!

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I always take PB&J and water with me. I try not to eat PB&J all year until hunting season so I dont get sick of it. Sometimes I take an apple or banana too. Instead of coffee I might pop a caffeine pill in the afternoon since I typically hunt all day. Just dont want to be peeing all day from the coffee. One time I took a meatloaf sandwich hunting, never again!!!:hammer1:

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a lot of my friends who go hunting take apples up. No caffine to keep them awake.

We researched it and did studies and it turns out that apples actually help you wake up and, (in our case) stay awake better than any caffine.

If we do take anything other than apples, it's fruit. we figure if the deer are gonna smell something we're eating, it's probably best if it's something that they might consider eating.:D

their rule not mine...if I had my way, i'd be out in the field with a nice 16oz steak to keep me occupied!!! :eat:

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