People who just don't understand!!!!


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Re: People who just don\'t understand!!!!

you make a great point i can relate i had permission on 100 acres of timber/cropland there were only two other bowhunters besides myself and i was friends with both of them. well two years ago shotgun season rolls around and a group of about 20 guys hunted it, but not in a good way they were driving across the bean fields shooting out of trucks at any thing in sight. needles to say the land owner busted them and closed it up for good!!! no more hunting period.turns out they were boys from town that ruined it for everybody. although i must say city hunters are not all bad but there's always some that are..

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Re: People who just don\'t understand!!!!


...(9 times out of 10 your not going to kill a 160 170 class deer riding the roads)

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I don't know, most of the big bucks that were killed from the orchard were taken during Warren County drive-bys after dark. While I agree with you that road hunters suck, not all of the road hunting wannabes are from the city. I know of enough West of Blue Ridge natives that rarely set foot farther than shooting distance from the road and always manage to get decent deer.

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Re: People who just don\'t understand!!!!

I know you weren't talking to me directly, but I want to address the whole "City Hunter" or City Slickers as some people call them.

I'm a city guy that is just as frustrated as anyone here about people who are lazy and don't do the work necessary to bag a deer.

I scout the land that I hunt at least 20-30 days per year in the winter, spring, and late summer.

That's alot of days considering I only have about 40 acres.

When I hear "city slickers" I shake my head because it is more like weekend hunters and lazy people. I know more than a few people that hunt from the road and they live out in the country. My bro-in-law is one of them and hes a darn police officer.

I live in the city cause that is where the jobs are. I commute at least an hour every time I want to scout or hunt or put up a stand. It takes effort, but I go far beyond what it takes - especially compared to everyone I know who hunts. I put in the effort, the time, the research, and commitment. It's not where you live, its how you live that counts. Lazy people are lazy no matter what.

Lastly: DeerSlayer3, I took my first deer in George Washington National Forest in Virginia. Nice bunch of guys helped me lug it out, too. Have fun hunting there and remember to go deep in the woods - that's how I got mine and it was a beaut!

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Re: People who just don\'t understand!!!!

Bottom line is guys like you describe come from both the city and the country. I see them down here too. I don't come in contact with them too much while I'm hunting because I only hunt private land and all the property around us is in private land hunting clubs too. We all have our rules to avoid that kind of junk and if somebody breaks the rules doing that kind of junk its adios.

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  • 2 years later...

Re: People who just don\'t understand!!!!

I am another of the "city" hunters. I grew up in rural Southern IN, but a college degree doesn't do much for you in good ol' Brownstown. I now live in Indianapolis. There are a lot of poor hunters, but I wouldn't necesarily generalize them as "city" hunters. I know a lot of poor hunters that I would classify as dumb rednecks. Point is that it doesn't matter where you live as much as do you respect the sport and are interested in doing what it takes to learn the proper way to harvest game and enjoy hunting.

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Re: People who just don\'t understand!!!!

I have to agree with you about this, I have taken deer that I have had to drag from deep in the woods. I hunt deep in the woods and around gun season I hunt the thick cover. A better chance to see the big bucks you talk about. You definitely cannot hunt once in a while, or road hunt, or not spend any time in the woods and expect to score on a big buck.

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Re: People who just don\'t understand!!!!

The county I live in has produced some Pope n Young bucks and I must say I'm blessed. But we are having a bunch of Indianapolis hunters come down and just trash our county up to heck. When we start seeing beer bottles in the woods we know the Indy Hunters are back. I know they are poachers and unethical hunters, because they never bring their deer in the check n station.

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Re: People who just don\'t understand!!!!

I was sitting on a big winter wheat field during rifle season a few years back on private ground and had some loser pull up and shoot a doe that was feeding out in front of me. I came unglued. It scared me really bad too, he could have killed me. I flew out of my stand but they were gone by the time I got over to them, which is probably a good thing in hind sight....anyway I hear you man, just stick to your roots.

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