Montec g5


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Re: Montec g5


Thanks to Dman I've been using them with my compound for the past 2 years. Last year I mostly hunted with my recurve and bagged 2 does with it but this year I bagged 3 doe and a buck of a lifetime using them with my compound. I never had a problem with a blood trail at all on any of those deer. I guess I'm used to not getting razor sharp broadheads out of the box (from traditional hunting) and just sharpened them until they were razor sharp just like I do with the heads for my traditional setup.

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Yes, and you folks should see what a bruiser Rhina shot with his bow this year... AL, you got a picture you can share??? smirk.gif

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Re: Montec g5

I have 2 questions about the monotecs

1. I have heard a lot of people saying they are extremely difficult to sharpen. Has anyone had to put a new edge on one? And how did it work.

2. Being as they are 1 piece, how straight are they, I would think that if they were not as staright as you average arrow, say +/-.006 they wouldnt group well at all.

What does everyone think?

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