Steel Shot??

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Re: Steel Shot??

up here, steel shot is required for waterfowl hunting. it is usually more expensive than lead. some chokes reccommend that you do not shoot steel through them. the main idea for the steel shot only law up here for waterfowl hunting is to eliminate the lead shot that pollutes the water in the lakes, rivers and streams. i don't see any advantages to shooting steel over lead for regular small game, or upland bird hunting though.

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Re: Steel Shot??


up here, steel shot is required for waterfowl hunting. it is usually more expensive than lead. some chokes reccommend that you do not shoot steel through them. the main idea for the steel shot only law up here for waterfowl hunting is to eliminate the lead shot that pollutes the water in the lakes, rivers and streams. i don't see any advantages to shooting steel over lead for regular small game, or upland bird hunting though.

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That is also the law here in the states, your also starting to see more and more states requiring steel or non-tox at state game areas.

The early steel loads would bulge the barrel if it was shot through a choke with too much constriction, i dont know if this is still the case or not. Steel shot prices have come down alot as other non tox alternatives have been released, I can get steel shot around here for the same price as some of the upper end lead loads. My guns seem to shoot the federal Ultra-shok loads very well, but its a pretty moderate speed load. I also like Winchester High velocity steel loads.

been messing around with a 7/8oz BB load moving at 1745 fps that has pretty good results.

The key to steel is like any thing else...time at the patterning board, more so the larger your load. The kent steel loads through my guns leave holes big enough to drive a truck through, but other loads are close to 80% at 40 yards.

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Re: Steel Shot??

Like the others have stated, it is mandatory for waterfowl hunting. It uses non toxic shot so wetland birds will not eat lead pellets and get lead poisoning. Unless you are in a situation that requires the use of steel shot, don't go near it. The steel pellets are lighter weight than lead and do not have the energy that lead does (equal size). The rule of thumb with steel is to move up 2 sizes in steel compared to what you used to shoot in lead. If you shot #4 lead at ducks, now, you choose #2 steel for the same energy. The drawback is since the pellets are larger they take up too much room in the shot cup. So your pattern is not as dense as it needs to be.

Steel is effective, but the ranges have to be reduced when compared to lead. There are better non-toxic replacements for lead like Hevi Shot but it is very expensive.

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Re: Steel Shot??

I love steel shot. It wounds tons of ducks and geese and gives the coyotes something to mix up their diets a bit. Happy coyotes make happy coyote hunters.

On the serious side, I friggin hate the stuff. If you hunt waterfowl spend the extra dough and get tungsten, or bismuth. Never used heavy shot so don't have an opinion. Bismuth is AWESOME.

If you don't hunt waterfowl, go lead every time.

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