A Story about a Nurse...


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Once upon a time, on 9/25/09, a nurse was walking through the woods, moving her trail camera. She hiked and hiked and came upon a good spot. She puts her trail camera on the tree and before turning it on, walks out in front to see if it was straight. While walking back to the camera, one of the nurse's ankles rolls and the nurse falls flat out on the ground, right in front of the camera...good thing it wasn't turned on yet:hammer1:

Later on in the day, the nurse is back home. During the evening she goes to feed the horses. She has the feed measuredo ut and as she turnes around in the barn, she falls over a 100 pound bag of chicken food and lands, yet again, flat out, only this time on a cement floor...with her elbow taking most of it. Luckily, after a moment of pain, she, being a nurse, was relieved nothing was broken, but the feed was spilled all over the floor, and she also had 5 chicken eggs in her pocket. Upon going in the house for some ice, and to tell her mother what had happened, comes to find that out of the 5 eggs, only one was cracked...though maybe after what the nurse went through today...there are 2 cracked eggs?:clown::crutch::clown:

This is a strange but true story...I witnessed it!:fish::stupid:


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