Are PSE bows still revelant in the market today


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The PSE X-Force was the hottest thing going last year! I can't speak for market share, but just going by what I know my friends both on the forum and off shoot, it appears Hoyt and Mathews are the biggest players, then you have some smaller ones like PSE, Bowtech, Fred Bear, Ross, etc. I'm shooting from the hip here, I dont have a clue as to the numbers sold, but there's plenty of market for lots of manufacturers, and I can assure you PSE is "relevant".

btw.... I shoot a Fred Bear, you hardly see one of those mentioned either.

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Guest bowhunter56

pse makes a good bow, any more to stay in the market, they need to produce competitive products,,

if you have not shoot a new bow since you bought yours 15 years ago,,,You will be surprised with the speed and how quiet they are...

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PSE is still one of the top bow companies, in fact, I'd probably say it's one of the big 3 (Mathews/Mission, Hoyt and PSE) followed by BowTech/Diamond/Ross, Martin/Rytera, Bear, Parker, Elite, Athens, Darton, Horton etc... ;) Yep, they are still quite relevent especially with the new X-force Omen which can reach speed of over 366fps! :eek: I'll stick with my Monster however, I just don't like the feel of PSE grips (feels too mechanical).

Dakota :)

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HMMMmmmmmmm Let me think a minute...YES


There's nothing wrong with the Bow thats in the mail to my buddy right now! The only reason I'm not still shooting it is I figured after 5 years it was just time for a newer bow thats all. Quality of manufacture is right up there with any other Bow I've ever owned including Mathews! I bought the PSE after the Mathews and liked the PSE better!!!

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Don't get caught up in a brand cult. Even these guys in here with the fancy sigs will tell you the other guys make great bows. Somewhere a long time ago I think Dakota mentioned he got a monster ;) but look at last year's x-force and look at the monster that's popular now. Who made that first??.....PSE

And the new Omen is screaming fast. They are quite relevant my friend, but as was mentioned above, if you havent shot a new bow in that many years, you may want to try one out, you'll be surprised at the speed and smoothness.

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Don't get caught up in a brand cult. Even these guys in here with the fancy sigs will tell you the other guys make great bows. Somewhere a long time ago I think Dakota mentioned he got a monster ;) but look at last year's x-force and look at the monster that's popular now. Who made that first??.....PSE

And the new Omen is screaming fast. They are quite relevant my friend, but as was mentioned above, if you havent shot a new bow in that many years, you may want to try one out, you'll be surprised at the speed and smoothness.

I'm sorry if I go off topic here, but the Monster and X-Force are two completely different (similar looking) bows. The cams look similar but they are completely different designs. ;) Just thought I'd throw that out there. :D To get back on topic, PSE is definitely a good brand though! :cool:

Dakota :)

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pse makes a good bow, any more to stay in the market, they need to produce competitive products,,

if you have not shoot a new bow since you bought yours 15 years ago,,,You will be surprised with the speed and how quiet they are...

I have shot newer bows I know they out perfom my bow,I don't know why my bow just fits me better. Thanks for your reply.

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I'm sorry if I go off topic here, but the Monster and X-Force are two completely different (similar looking) bows. The cams look similar but they are completely different designs. ;) Just thought I'd throw that out there. :D To get back on topic, PSE is definitely a good brand though! :cool:

Dakota :)

I knew I'd get a rise outta you. :p:p:p

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I shoot a PSE right now... the x-force. If I had to choose I would go back with a Hoyt.

However, any bow you buy right now will be light years ahead of what you were shooting 15-years ago. My boy ended up costing about $1000 with all the bells and whistle a few years back. However, a $300 bear will kill deer just as dead. I agree with Dakota that the grips on PSE are very thin and I don't like that. What I do like about my bow is that is extremly fast and quit.

If you want high end go with Mathew, Hoyt or PSE in any order. If you want to kill deer then just go pick out a more economical model and make sure you like how it shoots.

Good luck and happy hunting.

Edited by AceArcher
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I still shoot my PSE "Durango" that I bought in 2000 or 2001 It was the bow all the Team Primos members shoot at the time. I was younger and thought it was the "Coolest" thing out haha. It shoots true and has never let me down. It's not the fastest compared to the new bows. For a while I didn't here much from PSE they haden't made any real innovation or upgrades as far as I was concerned. But recently they have been putting out some new bows that have me interested. You start to here the brand more now that Drury Outdoors picked them up as a sponser.

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