Where are you from? Where do you work?


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Born in raised here in Malinta, Ohio. Me and my future wife bought a house about a month ago just outside Elery, Ohio, which is bout 3 miles away from Malinta, so not to far of a move lol. I drive truck for a grain elevator here in Elery and Im a firefighter for Malinta FD. :rockon: I also sell Crows Hybrids seed and our family farms bout 300 acres of farm ground.

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I live in Byron, IL, and am one of five superintendants of the forest preserve.

Charleston, Illinois and I am one of those guys who make sure people like WIwhitetailhunter don't run out of work. I am a Deputy Sheriff.

i am pretty darn sure this guy scored the deer in my signiture....

Stillman Valley, Illinois Forklift operator, and owner of my own portable paintball game business., ones for the morgage, the other is for fun and a little money. AL

and this guy lives down the road from me...he runs some of his paintball playdays and partys at the park i manage...

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I'm from Wisconsin and I'm doing life in prison on the installment plan...:yawn:

Unfortunatly I know Randy and what he is trying to say is that we both work as correctional Officers at one of the state prisons. And just like whitetailhunter we will never get laid off either. The job sucks but It gives us lots of time to hunt.


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