Steeeeerike 1


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Well, Ohio's archery opener was yesterday, I had two doe come in right at first light. The woods were very wet and quiet, so I didn't see them until they were pretty close. The big doe was quartering away, walking down the hill. By the time I got my bow in hand, I was thinking she was about 30 yards, I settled my 30 yard pin low on her and released. The arrow looked good in the air, but the way she reacted, I could tell that I missed. Shot right under her chest. I stepped it off later in the morning and she was closer to 35-37 yards. My Bushnell range finder had a dead battery in it, so I didn't even bring it with me. I guess technology has spoiled me, because I didn't bother to step off any trees prior to the hunt. Needless to say, the rangefinder has a brand new CR2 lithium battery in it now..... :D

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