Fox Hunting How we do it!


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For fox, cyote,wolf i use a predator call at a location that seems like a good spot...then nothing comes in because i can't call worth a hoot. Then it is basically take rifle as sit near a winter killed moose or deer, or a gut pile. Shoot one if it comes in. Got a couple fox that way, missed 1 cyote(we dont have many in my area) and missed one wolf(grazed it). Wolves are pretty smart most that are shot are shot by deer or moose hunters on stand and some wolves just hppen to travel by. Pretty tough to trick a healthy wolf with bait or a call.

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Re: Fox Hunting How we do it!

Post a picture or two of them scottish foxes!

Must be interesting to deal with all the animal rights types over there. Over here we get the impression that everybody is like that over there. Maybe not the Scotts, but definately the Brits. In fact most Americans probably didn't even know you could have a gun at all, much less hunt. I've never been hassled by an animal rights twirp when I'm hunting. I've had a couple run ins though at parties or what not. Usually somebodies wife thinks hunting is murder or something like that.

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Re: Fox Hunting How we do it!

Thats too bad. The gun crazies are just running rampant. Here in washington state our new Governor is trying to push through new gun laws. 1. We would have to register. 2. A pump action rifle with a removeable magazine is considered an assault rifle. So it must be kept on my property. It cannot be transported unless I can prove I'm going to a state approved shooting range. It cannot be transported with ammunition. It must be locked in a case for transport. What about hunting? Sorry, it's an assault rifle. 3. The local police can inspect my guns at any time once yearly to see if they are stored properly. No more wall hangers!

I don't think this will pass, but it's scary!

Thanks democrats! If I ever hear again that they don't want to take away my hunting guns I think I'll vomit.

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