Mossberg 935


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I figured Id post this in case anyone is looking for one. I finally got the chance to shoot the new offering from Mossberg yesterday. The gun has very nice lines and is balanced pretty well(26" barrel) it comes up to the shoulder better than any other mossberg I've shot. Take down is pretty easy as well.The finish on the outside seems durable enough and the realtree camo looks real good, the barrel finish was kinda dull until i did a little wipe down, she sparkled right up and looked to be top quality to me. We started off shooting remington 3 1/2" loads with 1 1/4oz of 1 shot. Using the factory modified choke the gun would throw a very nice pattern out to forty yards. The gun dosnt kick at all even when you rip off three quick shots. Mossberg designed gun for the big shells (3&3 1/2) and it isnt supposed to cycle shorter stuff, for the most part I found this to be true as the gun would'nt spit out any of the STS target loads i tried but i did get it to eject some high brass/veloc. pheasent loads i had.

Through out the day we went through 7 boxes of 3 and 3 1/2 inch shells plus a box of remington STS's and a box of winchester SX upland loads that had max dram and a heavy payload. Other than when using the short 2 3/4 shells I only experianced one jam, and it was caused by me trying to see how fast you could empty the magazine.

Not a proffesional write up by any means but I have read of some people looking at them in here and I myself had been trying to find a turkey and waterfowl gun and i think this may be what i buy. I have read mixed results from the guys who hunted them all season. I have heard of some bolt problems, and some general jam arguments, from the duck hunters. From what I understand mossberg has been pretty good about taking care of the problem.I may wait a while and see if Mossberg address's any bugs but I dont think you could go wrong with the 935

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Mossberg 935

not trying to make any 835 shooters mad but the 835 is OLD NEWS GUN. this 935 is awsome. i have one and it is great for waterfowle and turkey. they now make slug barels for this gun at a good price under $200. i also bought the winchester super x2 3 1/5 in. even a better gun. no problems with the light loads or the heavy loads. just my opinion. i like keeping up with time

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Mossberg 935


I'd have to ice my shoulder for a week after shooting 7 boxes!

thanks for the info!


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Yeah but the auto-loaders take a lot of the recoil out of the shot! I shot a 3" mag from my Browning, then shot the same 3" mag from my 835, BIG DIFFERENCE!!! LOL!!! I could shot that 3" mag all day from my Browning!


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Re: Mossberg 935



I'd have to ice my shoulder for a week after shooting 7 boxes!

thanks for the info!


[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah but the auto-loaders take a lot of the recoil out of the shot! I shot a 3" mag from my Browning, then shot the same 3" mag from my 835, BIG DIFFERENCE!!! LOL!!! I could shot that 3" mag all day from my Browning!


[/ QUOTE ]

When I was young I was kinda Recoil shy, due to stocks that didnt fit and me being a skinny runt. Then I bought an 835 ooo.gifgrin.gif

I was 10-11 and that thing beat the snot out of me. Recoil isnt such a big thing anymore, but that 935 is so SOFT,even the 3 1/2 loads, Id rip off three shots and it hardly felt any differant than my Benelli shooting 2 3/4's!!

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