Will Oklahoma Archers have another record year?


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Last year, Oklahoma bowhunters set a new archery season harvest record by taking 17,784 deer, helping to push the annual combined season deer harvest to the second highest level in state history. Sportsmen checked in a total of 111,427 deer overall, a 16 percent increase over the previous year and only 7,922 deer shy of the state's all-time annual harvest record of 119,349 deer in 2006.

According to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation's recently published “Big Game Report” — available now in the Sept/Oct issue of Outdoor Oklahoma magazine — an estimated 83,335 hunters participated in archery season last year. Jerry Shaw, big game biologist for the Wildlife Department, says that high number could be the result of the added challenge and extra time in the woods that the archery season offers.

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One record has already been set at about 8 this mornin with the first legal bear kill in nashoba..... Think it was a 170 lb sow......

But I wouldn't doubt another record deer # tho.....

I did some hunting in Nashoba back when I was dating Brittany. I swore I saw bear sign, but I didn't think bears were in Oklahoma. Thats pretty cool!

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