You know you are a hard core deer hunter if...


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So I saw this on another thread and thought you guys might get a kick outta it. I'll only post a few right now. I'll add some more later on!

Feel free to add your own!

Your Christmas tree is decorated with broadheads and used brass

The only holidays marked on your calendar are the opening day of Bow season,Gun season, and Muzzleloader Season.

You worry about your wife finding your stash of hunting mags in the basement, but the garage is plastered with Snap On calendars.

When someone asks you what your favorite recipe is you reply " 49.5 grains of IMR 4064 coupled with a 130 grain nosler partition seated to 3.035".

January through August are simply there to allow time to repair gear, sight weapons, and hang stands for October through December.

When you meet someone new and they ask " where did you go for vacation this year?" Your response " up north.".

Your idea of a vacation is waking up an hour before dawn, staying in the woods till after dark, and not getting room service all week......

You have two freezers and/or refrigerators in your garage or basement and worry about having enough freezer space.

Your kids think beef "tastes funny".

You don't spend any money for 11.5 months out of the year just so you don't catch any flack about that one 5,000 dollar trip to Cabela's

When someone shows a picture of a deer to your 21 month old she says " bang, bang, bang"

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...You've bought four guns in less than a year.

...My old room at my parent's house got the nickname the "Cabelas room".

.....Your Christmas card is you and your significant other in camo, with props, and a backdrop of a trophy bull elk bugling in the background. She doesn't even hunt either ...yet. :D (complements of the Dick's Sporting Goods Outdoor Adventure Tour)

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  dbHunterNY said:

.....Your Christmas card is you and your significant other in camo, with props, and a backdrop of a trophy bull elk bugling in the background. She doesn't even hunt either ...yet. :D (complements of the Dick's Sporting Goods Outdoor Adventure Tour)

HaHaHa...that totally reminds me of a wedding I saw. He was totally into hunting...she's not. But he was able to convince her to get married in a tree all was pretty much awesome!!!

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Here's a couple more:

....your child's first word was "dadda", second was "deer".

....You can't sit still for 10 minutes in your everyday life but can sit in the same spot in the same position for 10 hours while in the feild.

....there are only 2 seasons in you calander year; bow season and rifle season.

....You spend all your time on these silly forums talking about hunting...

....if you have your camo clothes thrown over the shrubs in front of your house to air out before season

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Share on other sites can not go to Walmart without walking through the hunting section, even if you are just there to grab a gallon of milk. have an hour long conversation with a perfect stranger just because you happen to learn that they deer hunt.

...your parents buy you a deer rifle for a graduation present because they really dont know what else to get you.

these all apply to me :D

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...your friends understand why you are not at their "party" because you're hunting change clothes in the parking lot at work before and after your workday - cause you're hunting before and after work.'re tempted to start a serious conversation with a homeless guy, just because he's wearing camo pants habitually scan every open field to see if there are deer feeding (even in the city) spend 20 minutes thinking of stupid stuff that you do as an obsessed hunter because you can't sleep the night before you go hunting.

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...the local Cabelas phone number tops the list on your emergency list of phone numbers on the refrigerator.

...your wife has the kids trained to say "oh no, Daddy bought ANOTHER gun!"

...While standing at the soda machine a coworker asks " you gotta buck?".... and instead of getting your wallet out, you exclaim proudly " Yeah a heavy racked 8pt on opening morning"

...You wake up from a sound sleep and you're hooking the bedpost.

...Your daughter's prom dress is made from tanned deer hides. (this is my absolute favorite!!!)

...When your co-worker says he feels like he's in a rut, you envision him hanging from the game pole

...The neighborhood deer lawn ornaments are marked with bullet holes and arrows but you have no idea who would have done it.

...The squirrels that usually give you grief while you are sitting in a tree become so accustomed to you they send you Christmas cards.

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  hunterbobb said:
Ok dance I'm guilty of 12 out of 16 on your list. So am I beyond hope or can I still lead a normal life.

you're getting close for sure. once you get 13/16, you might as well be running around the woods in a loin cloth hunting with a're safe for now. you can keep your britches...LoL

nah, 12/16 isn't very bad compared to some people. I've got a couple more that I haven't posted yet, and i know a couple people who are guilty of most of those too!!!!

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Here's a couple more: set your blind in a patch of poison ivy and still plan to hunt there. lock up your tires every time you see something brown. have a treestand in your livingroom and your pass time consists of shooting arrows at beer caps in the kitchen for shots of jim beam get a detention because the bottle of buck lure broke in your bag. park your truck off of school property so you can throw bow or gun in the cab to decrease time spent away from the woods.

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  Ethan Givan said: can not go to Walmart without walking through the hunting section, even if you are just there to grab a gallon of milk. have an hour long conversation with a perfect stranger just because you happen to learn that they deer hunt.

...your parents buy you a deer rifle for a graduation present because they really dont know what else to get you.

these all apply to me :D

Number 2 definitely applies to me. :D:D:D Heck, most of 'em do! :D

Dakota :)

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