looks like progress-house update


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Our contractor decided to put off pouring the basement floor until later on and move on with the main floor and get to laying logs. Floor went down last week.



Spent about 8 hours on the tractor last weekend moving dirt and working with the slop in the basement trying to get the mud out.


Just about dry down there now, but more rain in the forecast for this evening.

Plan to eventually frame in a wall down the right side to be able to shoot inside. Should be enough room.:)

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logs going down this week

Front of the house, will come back with siding to match the house on the garage later on when we get out from under the payments on the wifes durango. Will be a good sized deck on the front.


Our two younger daughters bedrooms will be on this end of the house.


Master bedroom on this end.


Plan to put a double door on the left side, Christina's bedroom will be on the right side.


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Thats really starting to take shape now...looks great!

How tall is that basement roof(I know I can count the blocks in the wall but I have'nt had my first cup all the way yetLOL

Poured 8 ft walls Gary. Should have inside ceiling height in the finished rooms around 7'9" when I am done.

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The log home builders here first build the house on their lot, number them, dismantle and then transport to your lot and rebuild there. Is this the method that was used for your house?

This is not a pre assembled home package Diana. They are cutting and fitting each log to the floorplan specs. The logs were delivered here directly from a mill. Kind of nice, because this has allowed us to make some minor changes from the original floorplan.

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This is not a pre assembled home package Diana. They are cutting and fitting each log to the floorplan specs. The logs were delivered here directly from a mill. Kind of nice, because this has allowed us to make some minor changes from the original floorplan.

Good point to remember. It's always been a dream of ours to have a log house. :)

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Are you doing any expiditing yourself?

I guess if you could call it that. Have helped our contractor quite a bit.

looks like a "Dad's Room" in the making down there...LOL

LOL. Don't need much, will be a room down there eventually on the end opposite the opening. Will have an indoor archery lane and an area to work on stuff too, hopefully will be able to get it dry enough and keep it dry enough to reload down there.

Also plan for a double door on the left side at the point of egress for the basement, a big washtub type sink and a stainless table near the door. Will make for a place to bring deer inside away from all the flys when it is so warm here.

hope you get it closed in before long...everyone that I know said they would never build a log house again..too much upkeep??

Everything I am getting is that the products they have out now are better than what they used to have, that from contractors, painters, and mills. Sikkens has a product that can go 6 to 7 years between reapplication. Not too terribly bad.

To be honest log was not my first choice for that reason Martin, but it is the wifes dream. Do whatever I can to try to make her happy.

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