Where did they go?


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For the last two weeks I haven't been getting hardly any pictures in front of my feeder. At the beginning of August I was getting around 400 pictures a week of at least 20 different deer. This is a spot that I haven't even hunted yet, and I 'm pretty positive nobody else has either. Should I start concentrating my efforts more on acorns? When the apples were falling they were still hitting the feeder pretty hard. It just blows my mind that I've only had one little basket racked 8pt on my cam in a week.

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I have the same problem. During September I was getting tons of mature bucks on my cam. Now it is nothing but does. I am not sure where the bucks went. I hunted last saturday and saw a ton of does. I am sure once the rut hits the bucks will hopefully be back in there. Anyone else dealing with the same problem?

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