Arrows for girlfriends bow?


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Easton makes great arrows, and they make an arrow for just about any budget. Beman makes great arrows too. I've shot different brands and those are the two I like the most. There are a lot of nice arrows out there now. When my little brother started out bowhunting, he shot very affordable carbon whitetail hunter 4560's with buff tuff. They actually turned out to be pretty impressive arrows and just about perfect for his set up, he was shooting 50 pounds and the drawlength was around 26 inches.

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PSE Radial X-Weaves in 200 weight. They are the most rugged arrow we've found so far for my wifes bow. They weigh the same as the Gold Tip 3555's she shosts also and hit in the same place. The Gold Tips break easier so she saves them for the field course. They both run about $40.00 per half dozen.


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