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After a bad opener, I gotta regroup to figure out what went wrong. The rage heads certainly did not fly true like the practice tip did. I gotta shoot some today to get a grip on things. I'll probably go back to the old tried and true muzzys. Anyone ever have problems shooting mechanicals? I dont know where it all went wrong, can the blades deploy in flight? I dont like to go in the stand questioning my setup.

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If they are tucked behind the O-ring then they should not open in flight. ;) It happens, bud, people lose game all the time with different types of broadheads, not just Rage. I wouldn't write them off yet. ;) But by all means, if you feel more comfortable with Muzzys then shoot them! I'd probably do the same, plus, I absolutely love the new Muzzy MX-3. What a wicked broadhead! :eek: Don't feel too bad, bud, I've lost game too. :( But if you hunt long enough with bow or even rifle it's bound to happen. ;) Hope this helps! :cool:

Dakota :)

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Sorry to hear about your rough start. I know that a lot of people love rages, but mechanicals make me nervous. I'm a muzzy man myself, I prefer the 4 blades and this year I'm shooting the mx-4's which have become my new favorite! I want a broadhead that by design will not fail. One of the last things I want is to worry about my braodhead performimg properly. You have to have confidence!

A good friend of mine has shot rages for a while and if you ask him, he'll say they are the best. But I've also met people that have lost all confidence in them because of malfucntion. A guy my dad works with shot a doe opening weekend this year with one and the blades never opened, while he was looking for the doe and figuring out what happened he shot an 8 pointer with another rage and it did the job just fine. To me if it fails even 1 time out of 100, it's more than enough reason to steer clear. It is hard to ignore all the rage about the Rages, and they may be great, but I've never had a reason to change out my Muzzys.

Again, sorry man, that's one of the worst feelings in the world. My advice would be to shoot what you have the most confidence in and make sure what ever you go with is tuned in and good to go before your next trip up the tree. Use the experience as one to learn from. Get your confidence back and good luck to ya!

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I really don't think it was the broadhead's fault, especially by the look of the blood trail. Where do you think you hit her? Could she have possible had time to clot up? :confused:

Dakota :)

I know you're right Dakota, I can't fault the broadhead if I dont really know what happened in the first place. My best guess is I caught her a little far back in the ribs, definitely a good crack sound, good lung blood, a tiny spot or two of some stomach contents it looked like at one spot. I dont know still why the arrow deflected upward on the pass through. It's just a let down after a nice run of recovered deer in recent years, and two shots in a row that weren't on the money at that range has got me jittery! On top of that my leaf river seems to have crapped out, so I got to work on that as well.

Define: disgustipated - feeling of disgust to the point you can't squeeze out a thought.

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I just checked out the pics....man....without being there, it's tough to speculate what really happened. The fact that the first shot at the first doe was about 6 inches under or low, makes me question the shot placement here. But like I said, without being there, it's tough to say what happened, especially just looking at pics.

The other thing is you said the arrow deflected in the pass through and went up, making a high exit wound. That can be a tough situation too. If you found the arrow, it would probably help in figuring out what happened. Sometimes I hear stories like this and ask if there was any tallow on the arrow, which might point towards a low shot or brisket hit, but this is different, the way she bed down right away...Tough deal man, I wish I could have been there to help! I know it sucks, but like I said, don't beat yourself up all season, get your confidence back and good luck man!

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