ILL man killed with arrow, taken for a turkey


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This is truely a sad moment for both families. What we have here is a young hunter that made a horrible MISTAKE. Sounds like the shot was taken right at last shooting light and i am sure the kid thought that he had identified his target before he took the shot. This just goes to show that there is so much more that a hunter needs to know about the woods before he needs to be in them, more than they can learn in a safety class no offense. I spent many years in the woods with my father before i could hunt which taught me things like this. Lets all keep this kid and both families in our prayers.

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No charges? How in the heck can you mistake a person for a turkey, let alone in bow range?

It's a truly sad thing and a truly stupid thing. The kid who shot his buddy is an idiot. I wonder how some of these people that pull stunts like this even wipe their own butts. What goes through a persons mind when they pull a stunt like this? How do you "not" know what your shooting at?

I agree 100% really creeps me out knowing that there are people out there who will actually shoot at something they cannot identify. I am at a loss for words here...I just don't see how a person can resemble a turkey whatsoever...not even close. Even if i covered myself in tar, jumped into a pool of feathers and walked around with a gobble call, i still think you would clearly be able to tell i was not a REAL turkey...

Sad indeed. Prayers to the families.

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Thats the worst thing I have read in a while. How horrible is that. No way can anyone ever be mistaken for a freaking turkey? Espicially at bow range. What a shame......

Almost sounds like pre-meditated murder to me.

A turkey ain't gonna kill ya so that rules out self defence.

With no intent to be harmed personally, makes you wonder what wackos got his finger on the trigger at any time before he/she sees fit to pull it and skate on a lesser charge at whatever risk.

When the smoke clears the air, we're all held responsible where our bullets and arrows land or who or what they land in.

Only turkey in this story is the boy that shot his pardner and that's how the story will end unfortunately with him being labled a "killer" and not a hunter.

No excuse.

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Who you refering to Tink? IF you are refering to my last comment dont mis read it. I am saying that you should always know your shot before you shoot. That is what I am refering to! Shooting at sounds it a total NON hunter ethic! I have been hunting for 12 years so I do know the ropes and I do know there are city boys that do this for a fact that I almost got shot on 52 acres of private property with a slug that hit a tree about 10 feet away!

Tink meant that you "old timers" may have heard stories of people shooting at sounds. He wasn't implying you shoot at sounds.

So you're sayin you know the guy that shot at you and he was a city boy? And by being a city boy he knows nothing about safe hunting practices? There are city boys on this forum that may take offense to that...

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I read that story earlier today in the local paper. I couldn't help but think that maybe there was something more too it.

Any turkey hunter knows that 1/2 hour after dark the turkey's are on roost. I think this guy should be charged with manslaugther or and lose his hunting privlages for life. Accidents are just that but this was gross negligence and disregard to human life. He knew or should have known that a movement in the dark could be his buddy just as likely as an any extent turkeys are on roost after dark and any Southern Il sherrif should know that. This just seems fishing to me...I hope it is not. At the very least one family has a dead son and brother while another family has to deal with this forever. What a shame.

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It's too bad for this young man! He will have to relive this incident for the rest of his life.

Something tells me that if he had such blatant disregard for safety in the woods, and was too stupid to tell the difference between a human and a turkey, that he'll be over this accident in record time. I doubt it bothers him long at all. I mean, crap happens right??? ( note sarcasm )

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