Change of Plans...


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Today was one of those days....well actually it was Saturday.

I was cruising the forums here and planing my afternoon which WAS going to be building ground blinds and setting up a ladderstand for the upcoming Muzzleloader Season. I'll be acting as a guide, for the first time, for my 76year old Father who will be staying here at my house and hunting the property I hunt every year here in NY.

I actually started getting some gear ready when...I Got The Call...

The Wife had left earlier in the day to meet her sister...they were going to an auction.

The Call was my Wife letting me know "They had to rent a truck from UHaul".

A distinct shutter of fear ran down my neck into the soon to be aching muscles of my lower back.

"They had to rent a Truck"???

What reason would a woman who was "Just going to look for a few things...maybe some nicknacks"...Need A Truck For?????????????

OK...We had talked a little bit about looking for a single bed for my Father to use while he's up here...but it was a passing conversation that never raised an eyebrow.

Oh She found a bed alright...actually 2 of them and they came with the bedroom suit, 9 sets of sheets, pillow cases, and all that other stuff whatever it's called.

That's the part I heard over the phone....Oh Yeah and her sister had bought a freezer for her daughter that had to be delivered.

I asked her how she was going to get it there?

"I'll Drive the Truck"

Well honey...How big is this truck?

"It's the only one they had left...a 26footer"

There was a short period of silence, while my brain imagined my wife driving that truck, since she does not like to drive my SUV and preffers her Ford Escort.

Of course the next, and soon to be in the morning my lower back will be stiff as a board, words out of my mouth was "I'll be there shortly".

Arriving at a nearby store to where the auction was being held I made a call on the cell phone to get the final directions. I should have known what I was in for but this was my first real Auction. I crested the small hill just before the address to see more vehicles than I thought possible to be parked off the side of the road. I did'nt think there was that much "side of the road" in the neighboring 3 counties!

Luckily I found a spot to park close by as someone was just leaving as I pulled up and I swooped right in.

I walked up the driveway to find her smiling face looking my way as the drone of the auctioneer cracked over the loudspeaker system.

I stood for a little while as I made up my mind if I should run like I was being chased by a hungry bear...or if I should pass out in an attempt to leave quicker than I had a feeling she would be staying.

Then the auctioneer said something blah blah blah TOOLS.


I had a seat and started to watch...what could be the harm in that right?

LOL....It did'nt take too long before I had the Bidder card in my hands waving it like I was trying to blow out a forest fire!!! I cant quite believe some of the stuff I bought for such a inexpensive price.

I dont have a complete list but here is a small list:

Air compressor and I'm fairly sure every tool attachment made for them...$50

A stand alone pedestal commercial grade Shop Grinder...$12.50

An small apartment sized refridgerator sized box overflowing with Heavy Duty extension cords(9 different ones of various load capacity), various adaptors, and multiple outlet breaker bars...$3.00

An almost brand new Commercial Grade Shop Vac with all the attachments...$4.50

3 different boxes of various tools(channel lock pliers, vice grip pliers, screwdriver sets, etc...I'm geustimating approximately 200 different tools all in pristine condition and no rust) ...$12.75

A set of electrical connectors(approx 2,000 various pieces) with 3 new wire cutters and pliers...$2.75

A large collection of Nascar Driver/Team hats(30-35 of them, from different years, I did'nt count them all yet)...75% of them brand new with the tags...most of them had the prices still on them ranging from the low $20 range and up.....$11.50

I'd say it was worth the change in plans...peace-1.gif

If I would have spent the same amount of money for the retail prices of just a few items bought new...I would have only paid for a few of the extension cords for what they cost these days!

Almost forgot...the NEW large size CharBroil Gas Grill(with 2 new tanks-one of them barely used the other completely full) I got for $20 that may have been used 3-4 times and cleaned well afterwards...

Just the money I saved on the Grill paid for the truck rental!!!!!

Edited by GWSmith
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Yeah there was plenty of room left over for that bedroom stuff whatever it was that she bought...LOL

What was so funny is that I dont "Giggle"...not a giggler never have been...until today...LOL

I kept leaning over towards the Wife trying to tell her what this or that would go for in a store...could'nt get a word out:D

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Anthony I know man...Just the cheap extension cords at Walmart are expensive. The ones I got yesterday were the ones contractors use that last a long time. I have to return the truck today after finishing to unload it with the help of the neighbor. Then I get to go through some of the multiple containers filled with hardware I never looked at. The owners were moving to Florida and selling everything. Just to give you an idea of the place...the garage had everything on shelves organized into containers and labeled. It was like walking into a showroom as everywhere you went it was meticulously clean!

Like I said this was our early Christmas to each other so it was a great way to shop.

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Hey isn't that Illegal, Jk. sounds likes some great deals.

The wife mentioned that too...I told her not too worry about it that I paid way over the cost of it with this years license purchase:whip: I still feel like they should have at least bought me Chocolates and Dinner after what I paid for that license...and I found out(after I had already paid the extra fee)I wont even get the Habitat & Access Pin anymore:angry:


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Man some of them hats look old! Should suit you tho being old and all:D

I'd respond to that but your too young to know what a "Collector" is...Your still wet behind the ears:hammer1:

Oh dont even make me whip out this little gem you said in another thread...LOL

"I feel like a moron or like a chick but its pretty good."

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I'd respond to that but your too young to know what a "Collector" is...Your still wet behind the ears:hammer1:

Your all talk Gary. Just cause I ain't old don't mean I don't know a collectors thing when I see it. So don't even. You wouldn't know what to do with a collector is if it hit ya in the head.:hammer1:

You woudlnt would you? This is fun..

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