Nice Buck Pics


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I had my camera out about 2 weeks at a spot I had previously scouted and found a nice little trail not far from where I had jumped a big bodied deer when shed hunting a new property.

Well I stuck it away in the back of my noggin and set a stand up about 60 yards away from this camera in the direction this deer is traveling. It is about 25 feet up in a big oak and well concealed with 2 good shooting lanes.

I went to hunt it tonight for the first time and to pull the card from the camera. I had cut in a trail to get to the stand that would not interfere with this trail as not to disturb any deer using it.

Well I went to leave tonight after seeing nothing and found someone had put a ground blind 5 yards off of this trail about 10 yards before this camera. This camera is tucked back in a cedar bush that they would not have even seen it.

5 YARDS OFF THE TRAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do some people have no clue??????????

Now I do not know whether to try to continue to hunt it or move further up the property to try in intercept this deer without bumping him. I hate it when a good plan gets screwed up!



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I would consider moving, for the simple fact that someone put there blind that close to the trail. You wouldnt think that they would take into consideration of using the proper scent eliminators. Not to say that they are incompetent of hunting, just not very cautious. Moving up could probably prevent the chance of that monster getting spooked away from you from your fellow hunters in their blind.

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