Doe #2


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Thanks Martin, although good shot placement is very important, the main reason is that the RAGE broadheads aren't cheap and I want to make every one count. LOL But no seriously, I'm just doing what I was tought to do.

I will seriously consider changing my name ruttinbuc but don't hold your breathe.

Oh and Dakota, the only reason it seems easy is because of the "guide" I have, I'm hunting on farmland and the deer are plentiful. If it weren't for Martin, I wouldn't have the kills I do right now.


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Andy if you change your name to lil blondes anything I'm taking your man card!

Congrats on another fine bowkill. Your having an awesome first year!

He won't :p

But you would have a field day with my former roommate's boyfriend. She would yell down the hall for him like she was calling a puppy and he'd come running and his Facebook status contains a heart every day. Kinda funny. She's about 6' 1" and 175-180 and he's about 6' 3" and 150. Not only is his man card gone, but his backbone too.

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