Calling all predators

Guest MissouriHunter

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Guest MissouriHunter

I have hunted all my life but I am just now getting into the varminit hunting. I have done some hunting for the last two years but not much. I have been using the regular calls but not having any luck. I was wondering if there was a trick to the calling and if the electronic calling is better than the regular calls. I'm new to predator calling so if this is a stupid question please bear with me.

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Re: Calling all predators

nothing is stupid when it coems to predator hunting! I have shot a ton of yotes in my life and one day is good next is worse then terrable, coyotes are so unpredictable, to tell you the truth if you make a distress call and they are hungry they will come to most sounds! biggest worry with me is gettign to spot as quiet as possable, wathcing the wind and the biggest mistake is callign a area with no coyotes in range of hearing! Also if oyur area is called lots the coyotes get pretty warry and it takes a new sound to bring them in, i actually have at least 20 different calls in my truck at all tiems, I remember a area I called before and use a different call next tiem, if I know another guy has the call it gets put away,just want a diferent sound! that is whay I do not like electronic calls,everyone sounds the same and once they ehar it once good luck next tiem! I love the open reed calls, i can change it every squeel, I can quiver at the end of one the next one do a couple wheezes, anythign to make it sound different, different is what you want to entice them in! Also howlers are a great call to have this tiem of year! Hope I helped a bit anyhtign else just ask! Good luck keep us posted!

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