Tips on henned up Gobblers.


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This is my 4th or 5th season after the Eastern gobblers and now, I'm hunting by myself with no friends. I was wondering how can I henned up Gobblers coming my way.

I know there are some gobblers that will absolutely not come to the calling. I've never harvested a bird and only use a couple of strategies. One strategy was to sound just like the hens/hen and make her come to me and the Gobbler following.

Well a friend told me not to call for a while, go and set up again by the bird and start calling again. Do this over and over until he comes in or go find another gobbler.

Anything else anyone can tell me would be much appreicated.



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Re: Tips on henned up Gobblers.

If their is an old hen in that group, try to kee-kee to her. Sometimes her motherly instincts will kick in and she will come your way, hopefully with the gobbler in tow.

I have used this before when other methods didn't work.

Hope this helps

Good luck

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Re: Tips on henned up Gobblers.

2 yrs ago i was hunting with my dad and we had a henned up gobbler about 60 yds from us. he said that there was 3 ways we could play it. do some soft calling and act like a few hens feeding. do some really aggressive calling and try to get the dominant hen to get mad and come in, or let out a few kee kee runs to make the gobbler mad and have him come in. we decided to go with option #3 and he came runnin in and my dad busted him at 15 steps.

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Re: Tips on henned up Gobblers.

At fly down it seems to me that the hens go first. Try to setup between the hens and the tom.Last year my first bird was Gobblin his head off,when the hen tree called he shut up.When she cackled and flew down I cackled back and purred kinda hard. She did'nt like that to much and came looking for me. Guess who came right behind her!

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