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Backstory: 10 years ago my Nana passed away leaving my grandfather, who is blind, all by himself. He decided at this time in his life he wanted a seeing eye dog for help with everyday things like walking and also a companion. So, the family sent grandpa to camp down in Florida for two months so the dog school there could train my grandfather to a dog as well as pick out the ideal dog for him. By the end of the two months Grandpa was paired with Parker, a beautiful black lab. When he got back home it he was like a different man that had just found his best friend. This dog and my grandfather have spent a total of 12 hours apart in the past ten years. The dog is awesome, goes to all the restaurants with us, church and everywhere else we went.

So, I talked to my aunt today and she told me that she wishes I was back home in South Carolina right now. I asked what for. And she proceeds to tell me that she and Grandpa took Parker to the vet today and found 5 tumors on the liver and spleen. The vet also took one gallon of fluid out of his abdomen. She also said that with treatment and chemo 6 months is about the limit for Parker. Aunt said that Grandpa was wishing I was there because I am one with dogs, especially this one. He says I am the only person that changes the attitude of this dog. Says that he can "feel" Parker become excited and happy when I am around.sad_anim.gif

So now i just pray that Parker will make it to Christmas for my first visit home from Wa so I can see him one last time.

This **** sucks

This isn't a asking for prayers or thoughts thread, just a got to release this for myself type thread. It is so damn hard seeing/hearing the man I look up to the most down and sad. Its breaking my heart.


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talk with your new employer, and go to your grandpa fast. nothing here is more important. help grandpa put his pup to sleep, to end it's pain. and get him back to get another seeing eye dog fast. preferably another lab.

hey, bud. don't put this off. your grandpa needs you. now. 12 is a very long life for a lab. get this done, and we'll re-discuss your last pm.

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talk with your new employer, and go to your grandpa fast. nothing here is more important. help grandpa put his pup to sleep, to end it's pain. and get him back to get another seeing eye dog fast. preferably another lab.

hey, bud. don't put this off. your grandpa needs you. now. 12 is a very long life for a lab. get this done, and we'll re-discuss your last pm.

Good advice from Steve as usual. Some things are too important to wait.

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Take it from someone who raises dogs, as someone said, go home now and be with your grandpa and the dog. The dog is in pain I'm sure and there is only one thing to do for him.

If the dog is that bad off, you owe it to him to do the right thing.

Trust me, I understand that is absolutely SUCKS but you have to do what is right.

If there is anyway, get home and help your grandpa through it. In the long run, you'll be glad you did.

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Take it from someone who raises dogs, as someone said, go home now and be with your grandpa and the dog. The dog is in pain I'm sure and there is only one thing to do for him.

If the dog is that bad off, you owe it to him to do the right thing.

Trust me, I understand that is absolutely SUCKS but you have to do what is right.

If there is anyway, get home and help your grandpa through it. In the long run, you'll be glad you did.

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