Doe Down!


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Saturday night I decided I would sit in the same tree as my brother and we would try to video a hunt.

We got into the stand about 4:30 and seen our first deer at 4:50. A decent 6 pt and a 4 pt behind him. They got within 25 yards and was spooky because our wind was swirling. They walked off the way they came from. Ten minutes after they left another 4 pt came strolling through and I elected to let him pass. A little while later two does came in and I could not get a shot on the first one so i was gonna take the second one. The first shot oppurtunity I had I shot right over top of her. They did not go anywhere, just trying to figure out what the noise was. I shot again and missed high again. Again they did not run. Just looked around. Finally I got my last chance (Only had 3 arrows) I shot at 20 yards and spinned her. Down she went and bawling. That made me so sick.

I looked up at my brother and told him he needed to finish her off because i was out of arrows.

So I have meat for the freezer but the way it happened made me so sick. I just turned around in the tree and put my head down.

Will post pics later when I get time.

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Glad you got one, but better check your setup. Did you spine shoot her?

Yea I was good on left and right but hit her high, right in the spine.

I did check my sights. They are fine. I do not want to make any excuses but what I think I did was have my release on too loose. When my release is too loose I reach to pull the trigger and pull the bow upward.

Next time I need to make sure my release is on tight enough.

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Hey, it happens...the important thing is that she dropped. I shot an antelope last month and lost it. The shot was 43 yards and the wind picked up and the doe I was aiming at moved at the last second before I triggered the release. I ended up hitting the doe next to her right in the rump. She was bleeding hard and we decided to back out. When we came back fifteen minutes later she'd disappeared. :eek: You talk about a sickening feeling. :( Like I said, at least you recovered her. ;)

Dakota :)

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Congratulations and I've been there.

Doubt it is the release.

How high were you off the ground?

If you're more than 12 feet the shot angle could be why you are hitting high. Do you practice at the height you hunt from?

I practice at 20 feet but some of my stands are at 30+ feet. When I hunt the high ones I have to adjust by 5 yards or I'm high on every shot. My 10 yard pin at 12-20 feet high is my 15 yard pin in my higher stands. My 20 yard pin at 12-20 feet high is my 25 yard pin in my higher stands.

I always take a practice shot as soon as I'm in the stand to ensure my shots are dialed in.

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I will have to vouch for brother mike and tell you he was dead on just a couple days earlier with the bow. He has been spending plenty of time at the range but think that the issue was a combination of things. I typically hunt much higher in the trees than he will so when he climbed he just went up to the bottom of my stand which probably through him off a little. Also after the shot we kinda went over the yardage of what he thought they were at which was off by a few yards. A am sure between the angle and the yardage it is probably why. A little harder to tell yardages when big brother moves you 10 feet further up the tree. LOL. Things happen and it all worked out in the long run. Congrats bro and it was a true pleasure to be with you when you took your first deer of the year. Now if we can just work on my camera running abilities. LOL.

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