scouting deer?


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What are the main parts of scouting deer? I have been hunting for 5 years now and I would like to get into scouting for particular deer. How do you find feeding places and bedding places? How do you learn patterns of particular deer? What signs do you look for to set stands? I would really like to become successful at scouting and get the deer that im after but i dont really know much about scouting. Thank you for the help

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Trail cameras are the trick for patterning a particular deer. Set a few cameras on hot trails leading to and from bedding areas should be a good start. Before you can start "scouting" a specific deer, you have to figure out which deer you want to hunt in particular.

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Trail cameras are the trick for patterning a particular deer. Set a few cameras on hot trails leading to and from bedding areas should be a good start. Before you can start "scouting" a specific deer, you have to figure out which deer you want to hunt in particular.

Trail cams have done more for scouting than anyone can imagine. Look for food sources, trails, rubs, etc. I can't say what to do or not to do, but as was mentioned, don't wear out your welcome in a particular area. Walk an area, look at tracks, trails, etc, set a cam up and get out. You may even want to come back to get the cam during another part of the day, taking a better chance that the deer may be in a different area at a diff time. I'll be danged if I'm one to be giving advice, but to me it's all about keeping low visibility and the rest comes from experience.

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As mentioned above, trail cameras will really help you out in that situation. Also, the best time to burn up the woods is right after the season closes...i know this doesn't help you now, but it will for next year. As for now, hunt what you know or think will be the good spots...if you are consistently not seeing deer, well then you gotta gamble and move. The more time you spend on stand, the more you will learn from the property, how deer travel it, when they travel it and where they travel it. As in most cases, time = success. Good luck.

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What are the main parts of scouting deer? I have been hunting for 5 years now and I would like to get into scouting for particular deer. How do you find feeding places and bedding places? How do you learn patterns of particular deer? What signs do you look for to set stands? I would really like to become successful at scouting and get the deer that im after but i dont really know much about scouting. Thank you for the help

Man I could/would love to disect this post sentence by sentence. You ask alot of good questions that can not all be covered in one blanket statement right now by me at least.

I'm gonna keep an eye on this thread and interject my thoughts on some points of interest when I'm feeling chatty. Your short, yet to the point post, really got my gears turning. I just need to organize my thoughts on each aspect and put those experiences to type that will make it all understandable to you.

Something I'm not feeling at the momment, but could come to me at any time. :robot:

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well personally i believe finding bedding and food sources is a good spot to start, but where do you start to find the spots? What time of year do you look for what types of foods? Like acorns they eat when? after crops like clover and alfalpha are done producing or do they go for it all whenever they see it. I am glad to see so many responses on this thread because so many people can learn from it and I greatly appreciate the advice given here. This is the reason why i love realtree forums. its been popular with me for 3 years now

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