Hot Seat Thread!!!!

Hunt or be Hunted

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here's a question:

if you could change just ONE thing about you, what would it be? and why?

and if that's too personal:

what's the thing you miss the most about being a little kid?

Well, If I could change one thing.....I would say (and this mostly relates to work).....I take on too much. I want things done right, therefore I don't delegate enough and just do it myself. That way I know it is done and done right the first time. I am somewhat of a perfectionist and want everyone else to work as hard as I do. I have a low frustration tolerance for lazy people.

I'll go ahead and answer the other question.......the thing I miss most about being a kid is FREEDOM and little to no responsibility. If I wanted to play barbies...I did, If I wanted to read a book.....I did.

Nowadays, I can't guarantee when I am going to even get to take a shower, paint MY toenails, read a grown-up book, etc....Seems all I ever do is take care of others. I miss bubblebaths, good books and scary movies. Hope this makes sense.

Next question............

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Whats your favorite weapon to hunt with and what u hunt it with

My favorite is probably the TC Black Diamond, 50 cal. in-line ML. Whitetail deer is my target of choice. This gun has layed the smack down on many deer.

Guess this was my last question. I hope you guys learned a little about me. I had fun. Guess Ruth will take over the hot seat in the AM. Im gonna have to come up with some good questions for her.;)

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It is still Thursday!

What was the best part of your trip to Alaska and what did you learn from the experience?

Wow, that is a loaded question. I would have to say the best part of the trip was that day out on the lake with you and Christina. We saw that bald eagle, caught lots of grayling(sp?), got soaked, and saw the most beautiful rainbow.

What did I learn...........hummmm

That if I go on another trip like that , I better do alot more research on the animal I am hunting, know alot more about the terrain/area that I am hunting, and just go for it. I look back at the time we were at the cabin and wish that I had ventured out more to do more hunting. I spent too much time waiting on everyone else to "take" me hunting that I should have just grabbed the bull by the horns and went. Not knowing the terrain, I think, really kept me from doing that. But, next time (if there ever is one) I will be alot more prepared. Thanks RB, for everything.

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Thank you, Catrina! It was a fun time in the company of you and Christina on our adventure. The two of you were a joy to be with and the memories will be with me forever. There are other memories of the trip that will stay with me, also. Like you say if there is a next time for any adventure with who, to wherever, we will be better prepared to deal with it.

Edited by ruttinbuc
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Wow....that was such a long time ago! I don't know that I can name just one person because there's alot of people here that were there when I joined that are my friends...and some that aren't here that were my friends as well! I do remember womanwhohunts....I wonder off and on what ever happened...she was my partner for the first ever RT x-mas exchange.

Basically anyone who was a member back then when I joined is probably my first friend,lol.

cutt cutt cutt!

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Ok, here goes,lol. And actually when I thought back about it...Nick was probably actually my first friend on Realtree...we talked alot on the chat and what not...traded pictures even,lol. RIP bud.

Hatching chicks? If you are talking chicken chicks, have hatched some of those, if you are talking kids...well right now not really planning on it.

What I want to do before the end of 2009? Probably find a job for the winter...As for ringing in the New Year...I'll probably be sleeping before midnight, especially if I have a job!

My outdoor mentor...that's easy, my mom. She pretty much raised my sister and I outside. Outdoor heros...hmmm....that's tough...probably my outdoor rec. professor and advisor (he knows ALOT) and maybe my camp director from the previous 3 years.

Actually I don't trap. Hunting though, I've been hunting since 1998 and bow hunting since in all going on 11 years.

Ok, I'm ready for more...bring your best game,lol

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Geesh Ross,lol!

Ummm..well I caught a 32" Steelhead a couple years back...on a eggsack with a "regular rod"...8 pound line...wading...on the Catt. Creek. That's my biggest.

My biggest with fly rod though, which I caught same day as this one, I don't know if I got a photo but here's one from this spring on the Catt. Creek, 5 wt. rod, olive wooly bugger I think, wading obviously:


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Ross - both...but mostly fry em up!

Wyo - you just have loads of questions huh,lol. I'd say good buck with bow...the challenge I think of it makes it special, not too mention I love the time of year archery is the time gun comes around, it's usually snowy, and the rut is nearing the end.

Chris.....ummmmm...well I have had asprained knee, ankle, wrist, jammed fingers are sprains...sprained/dislocated tendon in my shoulder...lower back... I know, I haven't sprained my elbow yet! That I for sure know of,lol!

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