Bino's fogging up


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I agree with William.

Cat Crap is the best stuff I have used to prevent fogging.

I wear glasses and heat up pretty good getting to my stand(s), nothing keeps my glasses clear like cat crap. is not actually Cat crap.

Just the name of the product Silly Gary.

I have read that dishwashing soap does the same thing. Rub some on the surface and buff it with a soft lintless rag, and it should provide fog protection til it gets wet.

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i have the same bino's with the same problem, they dont just fog up, but seem to fog up from inside....they work great in good weather, but turn to dodo in cold/snowy/rainy conditions

your binocs have a serious problem, dan. you have a broken seal somewhere that only the factory can correct. get with them about fixing your problem. it will never go away on it's own.

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