Couple of rods I built


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Ummmm, Mike???

Those look a heck of alot better than the cane poles I grew up building.

Nice job on them!:) Sweet looking rods.

LMAO! Same thing I was thinking Matt when I clicked on this thread. I've made lots of rods, as late as this year, but they weren't quite as purdy. :D

They look great Mike, all kidding aside. I wouldnt know where to even get started.

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Thanks for the comments guys. I actually got to fish one of my own for the first time the other night. Went out for walleye using a 6' light fast action rod that I built. Didn't catch any walleyes but did happen to land this 34" 14lbs salmon. So I guess I can build a decent rod. I was pumped!!!!:flex:



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Man, that fly rod looks great.

I just bought that Okuma fly reel last night from Gander. It was only $60 so I couldn't pass it up. How do you like it?

That fly rod I actually built for my brother. It is an 8 weight. He loves those Okuma reels. He got his at Gander too. He has the exact same model reel for his 6 weight too.

That fly rod was a challenge...I put feather inlays on it. I also put markers at 15" 20" 25" then from 30-40" as he is using mainly for salmon on the river here. That was my first fly rod.

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