What are you planning to buy next?


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The next gun i hope to buy is going to be a Ruger Hawkeye Walnut/blued 243 or 7mm-08. I dont NEED another deer rifle, I just WANT one lol. I plan to put either a nikon buckmaster 3-9x40 BDC or 4-12X40 BDC used specifically for anything up to deer. The next on my list is a Remington XHR. Dont know what caliber yet but we have a couple at work and I just fell in love with them from the moment i saw them in the catalog. What are gun are ya'll planning on buying next?

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Id LOVE to have a Model 7 in 300 WSM, but I think my next few purchases will be a 700 and maybe another Ruger #1 ( I used to have two of them)

A 700 BDL in 7 Mag

The #1 will be in 300 Win Mag.

Not going to buy stainless for the ext few rifles.

I love blued as much as stainless.... but nothing can beat a clean, classic "old school" look.

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I usually don't plan to buy anything. It just kinda happens. :clown:

...Same here. I only own 6 firearms (all shotgun or rifles), but 4 of them were purchased just within this past year. so i've tried to cap my sending by buying a T/C Encore Prohunter for my most recent one. Told the g/f I wouldn't buy anymore guns, so now I won't... for a while anyway... I'm just going to buy new barrels for my new gun. lol It'd probably be chambered in a magnum of some kind. 7mm or 300 win idk

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I dont believe the words "I won't buy anymore guns" will never come out of my mouth! lol. Heck, Im only 22 and own 17 firearms that i can think of. Might have more back home at my parents house. Im set for having the firearms i need for the game i hunt but always love a new one! I would love a Remington 700 CDL SF too. Not sure what caliber though.

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depends on where I end up stationed at. The only centerfire rifle I have is my Bushmaster A3. I want to buy a nice bolt action gun sometime, but I feel like I should wait until I have something to use it for, first. I really, really want to build an AR-10. Something pretty much full custom for long range shooting. Not because I need it, but because I want it. It's just completely unpractical here in Indiana because the places I shoot at, top out at about 150 yards...

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I would like to have another 7mm Remington Magnum. I was thinking about the new TC Venture. It is a very well made rifle at a very reasonable price. I have always been a Remington model 700 man, I own four of them. Since price is going to play a role in my next rifle purchase, a model 700 SPS or SPS Stainless would probably be the only model 700's that I could consider. I am leaning heavily toward the TC Venture because of Price/Quality. If I lean much more, I might just fall into one of these.

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I usually don't plan to buy anything. It just kinda happens. :clown:


Yeah me too. I want a 375 H&H but there's a 375 RUM I eyeballing right now. I really want a 243 or 257 bob. But I also want a 454 casull. I wont buy anything for a while and I'm not sure what it will be but I'll be sure to brag about it right here.

Oh forgot. I will probably be buying a muzzle loader for next season but who knows.

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I have over 30 bolt action hunting rifles. Four single shots with mutipule barrels, a couple of auto's, four muzzle loaders and one pump rifle. Plus so many 22's I'm not even sure how many I have.

The point is I have everything that can be bought that I want. So my next project is I'm sending a Remington 700 chamberd for 270 to E.R. Shaw. I'm going to have them install an 8 X 57 Mauser barrel on it.


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My sons showed me a rifle in a magazine that they wanted and I looked into it. A very cool .22 rimfire. Looks exactly like a HK MP5. It is a fake suppressor on the barrel that allows it to have the 16 1/4" needed by law to be a rifle.

The only thing is...in Commie NY, you can ONLY have 10 rd mags :(.

But this is what I will get my sons for Christmas. I cannot wait to trick it all out with a red dot, laser and light.

As a .22 you can shoot it all day with minimal cost.

Pretty bad azz looking plinker/squirrel gun. Don't cha say?:D


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My sons showed me a rifle in a magazine that they wanted and I looked into it. A very cool .22 rimfire. Looks exactly like a HK MP5. It is a fake suppressor on the barrel that allows it to have the 16 1/4" needed by law to be a rifle.

The only thing is...in Commie NY, you can ONLY have 10 rd mags :(.

But this is what I will get my sons for Christmas. I cannot wait to trick it all out with a red dot, laser and light.

As a .22 you can shoot it all day with minimal cost.

Pretty bad azz looking plinker/squirrel gun. Don't cha say?:D


If they arent set on that specific gun, check out the smith and wesson M&P15-22. Looks just like an M&P but 22LR. I played with one at work yesterday and it was pretty sweet. Although I do like the colt ar-15-22. It has more metal to it and feels like a real AR where the S&W has alot of plastic to it. But the smith and wesson has the full rail system on it to put just about whatever you could imagine on it.

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If they arent set on that specific gun, check out the smith and wesson M&P15-22. Looks just like an M&P but 22LR. I played with one at work yesterday and it was pretty sweet. Although I do like the colt ar-15-22. It has more metal to it and feels like a real AR where the S&W has alot of plastic to it. But the smith and wesson has the full rail system on it to put just about whatever you could imagine on it.

We have 3 AR's in this house. So I/we would like something different.

Don't you worry, we will trick the crap out of this gun.

Wait n see;).

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