Colt Auto 25


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When my father-in-law passed away we found a Colt Auto 25 and a S&W 32 cal revolver. When I was at a Gun Show this last weekend I saw someone trying to sell an Auto 25 (looked just like the one I have) for $1025. Is that what they are worth?? I thought I'd looked it up earlier and it wasn't half that? Anyone out there help me out?

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Re: Colt Auto 25

I know of Colt making only one model in 25 ACP.

It was called the Colt Vest Pocket Model 1908 Hammerless.

It was introduced in 1908 and dropped in 1941. They run between $200 and $400.

If it was actually marked "U.S. Property" it could be between $500. and $750.

That is the only Semi-auto that I can find that Colt made in a 25 ACP. .....popgun

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Re: Colt Auto 25

I'll post a picture tomorrow. My Colt Auto 25 has a serial number of 354045 and has about a 4 inch barrel - definitely pocket size. It has plastic grips and is hammerless.

I've also got a S&W Model 732 (32 cal revolver) that I'll post a picture of that I'd like your comments on. I appreciate all the help!!

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Re: Colt Auto 25

The Colt is a model 1908 Vest Pocket Hammerless.

They were made between 1908-1946.

The value can be anywhere between $155 in 60% condition up to $575 in 100%.

As popgun noted, if your gun is marked "U.S. Property" the value could be up to 200% higher.


You sure that revolver is a Smith? Dosen't look like one to me. Looks like a New England Firearms piece to me. Not much value there, 'bout $125 in 100% condition down to $40 in 60%.


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Re: Colt Auto 25

WABS, when I mentioned the little Colt 1908 was the only one I could think of that was in 25 ACP, I should have mentioned "and hammerless".

I agree with hangunnr, in that I don't think that is a Smith and Wesson 32.

Many of the older models stamped S&W.32 on the barrel to note the type of ammo it took.

Judging only by the shape of the grip, the hammer, and the front site, and the model 732 (which you furnished), I am leaning toward a Harrington Richardson in the $75. range.

I could very well be wrong about the manufacturer, because the grip is a little on the questionable side for me. But that's my best guess.

Has anything been worn off the side just above the trigger guard, or is that just a holster rub?

It looks like the logo on the grip is H S?

I like puzzles. .....popgun

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Re: Colt Auto 25

You guys are good....the S&W 32 has H&R Inc Gardner, Mass. it is a Model 732. See this is why I ask the questions, it makes me look at what I have closer. What I hear is they aren't worth a lot, which is OK. I'm just trying to decide whether to keep them or trade them for something I can use.

Thanks for all the info!!

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